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Hello everyone. Still relatively new to League (200 games of quickplay (crazy that that is "new" for mobas), mostly as Top or Support), but have played an ungodly amount of Smite.

Something I've noticed is that AP builds seem to have much less item variety than AD or tank builds. Rabadon's, Zhonya's, Void Staff, and Shadowflame (to a lesser extent) seem to be almost universally built by every non-DoT AP character. Why is that? Has it always been like this? Other roles seem to have so much more variety.

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about 1 year ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by chomperstyle

They still refuse to give us blood leaters curse. Its ap black cleaver and would really help out ap fighters. They keep saying that they want to give them proper itemization but wont

The game isn't really balanced around there being access to a % shred MR item. Black cleaver exists because:

  1. A staple of basically every comp is an ADC, who's job it is to kill frontline first rather than backline like most AP champions
  2. Champions gain more armor per level rather than MR per level. In order to make a % shred item, we would need to increase base MR, which would in turn make situations where you don't have the item weaker.
  3. Many AP fighters have % pen in some form built in. Rumble E shred, Gwen true damage, Morde % pen passive, etc. The game is built around % pen not being accessible already.