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Anyone else having trouble reading the new damage numbers? The light/bright blue seems really hard to read, and light/bright orange can be too depending on the background it is against. But lets say I can adjust to that. Crits. Crits are unacceptable right now. Crits don't just display. They "pop" in. The number starts off huge, and then over the course of about 100 milliseconds, shrinks to normal size. But a rapidly shrinking number isn't readable, so you can't actually read it until it has shrunk. So there is approximately a 100 millisecond delay between when the damage is dealt and when you can actually read how much damage was done. If you are dead, you were dead for ~100 milliseconds before you find out how much damage popped you. If your target is dead, they were dead for ~100 milliseconds before you can read how much damage you did to kill them. In a fast paced twitch-reaction type game, this is kind of silly. The human brain doesn't want delayed information. It wants the information immediately so it can react. Plus it just feels off.

Here's a series of images roughly showing the rapid shrinkage of the crit (it's easy to read on an image, but not when it's actually animating like this in game): https://i.imgur.com/HN25VyM.png

Thoughts? Is this bothering anyone else? And why do we never have "legacy" options to keep the old stuff? :(

EDIT: Blue is hard to read because it blends in with things like blue minion's body, blue structures (inhibitor glow), blue health bars, etc... So instead of being unique and distinct, it camouflages with all the other noise.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Hookshu

I honestly think crits are too big, how is hiding character animations behind huge damage numbers a good idea? I want to be able to turn it off.

Imagine if you crit a cassio and now ur screwed if you're trying to see her ult windup for example

Hey there! Designer who implemented the new crit animation here.

TLDR: I actually agree with you on too big, and implemented a change to reduce their initial and ending size by a decent amount. This will be in place for next patch.

Longer answer: There are two factors that decide the scale size of damage text in League: 1) How large the designer wanted the text to be compared to other damage sources (so, we generally wanted crit to be 25%-50% larger than non-crits). 2) The magnitude of the actual damage dealt compared to a standard number for each player level. Eg: we have a standard damage magnitude of say 70 for level 1, if you deal damage of 140 due to a special attack or ability, this damage text will scale up to be significantly larger than other damage text.

However, there's a 'worst case scenario', probably shown in that screenshot, where the player is low level, has high AD and an infinity edge. What this means is that they'll deal significantly more damage than the 'average' for their level (scale up), they'll crit (scale up again) and then it's an IE crit (scale up a final time). This results in a damage text number that's larger than intended!

Like I say, I've toned down all size/scale values for next patch.

Final note: ALL text pops in larger before rapidly shrinking and has done so for many years. The basic damage text number comes in at a 2x scale and drops to 1x over a period of 0.15s. This crit shrinkage is actually 33% faster shrinkage, at 0.1s.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by I_am_Lauch

Idk where Riot's priorities are. Why cant they add the simplest things like honoring enemies or the f**king dots in the champion masteries points, but keep adding or changing features that literally nobody asked for.

Different teams work on different content is the short answer.