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GEN 0 - 1 G2

G2 Esports win the first Game of the series vs Gen G. Behind early, but then their global pick comp came online.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by Quotes_League

listen, Vedi, I can understand the argument that G2 doesn't do a good job playing around jankos on carry junglers. I also think there's some truth to out.

But this game was just jankos missing his shit. Really unfortunate time to bring it up, tbh.

He missed spears but he played well. He was efficient, smart and most importantly didn't try to safe lost lanes, which he kept doing in groups and it cost him a lot. I think he played well, sorry if the bench mark for playing well is landing all your spears.

over 4 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by Quotes_League

He was efficient, smart and most importantly didn't try to save lost lanes

I agree, but I think this is more a testament to G2's superior map play rather than Jankos prowess on carry junglers.

sorry if the benchmark for playing well is landing all your spears

In the context of playing Nidalee, landing the spears for ganking is so important for her early game power.

I don't think game 1 that was a statement game from him on the champion, just for G2's macro decision making.

I think that's fair, and maybe I was too positive. I guess I felt the bigger picture for jankos of praising him was more important, but I should've added the caveat that he is missing his sh*t. More of a balance I think is fair feedback

over 4 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by KFCTeemo

I think this would make a good copypasta 🤣

Yeah I have a bad habit of making those lol