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Garen was my first champion that I ever played back in season 3 when his E used to self-slow while he spins. I used the website called, "Surrender at 20," to find about much information about PBE Garen rework. I have some question about why Rioter did this and why Rioter did not include "this or that."

Q1: Why did Rioter increased the number of spins to shred armor?

When I read that Garen has to hit 6 spins on the enemy in order to shred 20% of armor compare to current Garen requires 4 spins. I have seen some YouTube video where people went Nashor's Tooth or Blade of the Ruined King and Garen spinned faster due to attack speed bonus. I heard that Rioter removed that. Why not keep number of spins the same instead of increasing it? What is the logic behind for increasing the number of spins to shred armor?

Q2: Does Garen keeps the ult indicator or no?

I know Riot has removed "villain" passive out of ult exchange for always dealing true damage based on enemy's missing HP (basically execute). I feel like some number changes on his ult is a nerf.

Q3: Why does it more CS or units killed to fully stack up armor and MR for W passive?

Current Garen can stack up to 50 armor and mr while PBE Garen can stack up to 30 armor and MR. I saw how many units you have to kill in order to stack up these resistance bonus were 160 units for current and 180 units for PBE. Rioter has said that they want to make him "early lane bully," but I don't think I could stack up that cs by mid game.

Q4: What runes Rioter wants Garen to use besides Grasp of Undying?

Q5: Why not make his Q double tap to separate skilled Garen to cleanse slow rather than just cleansing from beginning of charging?

Q6: Which Rioter is responsible for Garen little rework? I want to find him or her on Twitter so that he pr she could at least answer my questions.

Thank you for reading my posts and please leave a comment. I do not want to read comments that saying, "Garen is cancer" or weird comments that don't even answer my questions. I am not asking for buff or nerf on Garen, but I just want Garen to have right direction that makes Garen main happy and any new beginner can pick him up easily. Also, separating good Garen player by putting some skill expression on his kits such as timing the W right moment for CC and burst damage.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Hi, one of the playtesters working on Garen (I'm not the designer) but I'll give you the best context I can:

Q1: Why did Rioter increased the number of spins to shred armor?

Right now it's been put back to 4, if I had to guess the original intent it's because Garen spins much more frequently now, so it would've been to keep the "time until shred" roughly the same instead of faster.

Q2: Does Garen keeps the ult indicator or no?

No, because ult has the same effect on everyone on the enemy team now.

Q3: Why does it more CS or units killed to fully stack up armor and MR for W passive?

He's getting quite a bit of power overall (especially his passive), so finding somewhere to nerf him. Invisible stats are a good spot for this.

Q4: What runes Rioter wants Garen to use besides Grasp of Undying?

Conqueror is probably best on him now that his E stacks it, you can also try Fleet Footwork (Stormrazor is actually a decent damage item now).

Q6: Which Rioter is responsible for Garen little rework? I want to find him or her on Twitter so that he pr she could at least answer my questions.
