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It seems like the stats (LoL Client -> Profile -> Stats) Weren't available once in Season 10. Am I correct? I know that they get available after you have played some games but they just won't.

Speaking for EUW here.

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

We'll take a look at this today - we're refactoring a bunch of the backing systems for the Stats tab this year. It seems to be more stable in most regions, but in some places where there are a lot of games to process (such as EUW) it may still be getting backed up. Thanks for the bug report!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

Originally posted by celigodtko

Dont tell me this was just now realized????? I came back to play in last September and didnt worked at that time too. (Even reported in game and to the support)

We've been aware of the issues with the stats tab (hence why we've been refactoring it). Just making sure that there aren't any additional issues.

From what we can tell, this is related to the game backlog that has built up in EUW, and was exacerbated a bit by other recent issues. It's in the process of being corrected, but that's taking some time.