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Hello there Ladies, Gentlemen, and those betweixt! I’m Riot Yasuna, one of the producers on the Summoner’s Rift Team, and delivery lead for the April Fools content that just exited a Rift near you.

We saw a lot of positive chatter, some fun videos, and some amazing fan art across socials this year. However, we also wanted to give this chance to reach out and hear directly from you all as to what you thought of our ‘pranks’ this year. There’s no guarantee that we will be able to do more April Fools content next year, but on the off chance we are able to, we’d like to get some feedback from the players.

So to help facilitate feedback, let’s go over the features again!

Stabby Crabby

The new official mascot (™) of April Fools content on the Rift, Stabby Crabby has a knife and she’s tired of being farmed by junglers without fighting back! Stabby Crabby will charge junglers, dealing 1 true damage, but scaring the living daylights out of them with visually showing a massive crit. She’ll also emote at you, and announce globally when she dodges a skillshot.

Heavy Helping of Hexgates

Several new (and variably useful) hexgates have entered the rift. Some are available shortly after the start of the game, and others are not available until after the Elemental Rift transformation after 2nd dragon take. See below for a detailed map of the new hexgates!


Poro Stampede!!!

The Rift rumbles with the coming onslaught of… Poros? Occasionally a horde of the cute fluffballs will spawn across the map and congregate in mid. Running into them will give you a small heal (and make them happy). There’s also a very rare chance of some slightly different stampeeds happening; Warf Rats, Massive Poros, & more…

Hats, Hats, Hats!

Minions and jungle monsters will spawn with a variety of hats. Last hitting those minions or monsters gives you the hat, the hats stack, and have no limit! When you die, your hats go flying in a fantastic shower of headware and can be collected by others by walking over them.

Tower Emotes

Towers come back as extra sassy, emoting at you when they kill you OR assist in a kill.

How did you feel about this year’s content? We intentionally tried to temper the memery to make sure that you still could play a normal game of Summoner’s Rift just with a few added twists. Did you want more, or less? How would you feel about specific features making a return next year, or would you expect / like new features only?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback. The team really enjoyed putting everything together, and worked some extra hours outside of the normal work day to make sure that everything was brought to you as close to 12 midnight 4/1 in your region as possible.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by aerovistae

Ngl the hexgates from center lane outwards didn't feel like a "prank" they felt legitimately valuable and I was repeatedly glad they were there. Consider adding them to the hextech map permanently!

I made the gates with another designer.

The funniest prank gates were deemed too disruptive to include since our stuff was actually gameplay impacting. (Nexus to nexus being the primary one here.)

I also think that there’s room for more hexgates on a serious level so we kinda just included both sets and kept what we could.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Sofruz

Maybe next time you can a separate queue for April fools that would allow you to do more of the crazy pranks?

That would be a lot of work

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by r_xy

Did you try a gate from one alcove to the other?

Yes and it was exactly what I expected: level 6 top laners showing up in bot lane.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by aerovistae

What if you just did a one-way gate from bot Lane to top Lane?

Idk top laners are already on an island until someone else decides they should just die. Don’t feel like exacerbating that.