When I'm playing ADC with a Yuumi support and laning phase ends, it saddens me to see Yuumi attach to my other teammates. Like, she was on me for the entirety of our laning phase and it felt like we kinda had this bond... until they end up sticking with some Vladimir or Master Yi as they 2v5 carry without me. It hurts, y'know? Like, I'm I just not good enough for her? Even if I win or lose lane, they always end up sticking to someone else at some point, and all I can do is hold back my tears. It hurts even more to see them come back and attach to me again and have this very awkward moment, then I start to slowly feel more calm and happy about the fact that they came back to me, only for them to leave me once again to heal up one of my injured teammates so I can feel the sting of betrayal once more. Aren't we supposed to be THE botlane? Together? I'm THEIR Attack Damage Carry while they're MY support? What is it then? I don't understand man. It breaks my fragile heart, so I've resulted to banning Yuumi every match to avoid this attack on my mental state.
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