Different players will answer these differently. heres my personal take.
Go for it, ward gold is split between ppl who help destroy it. Since usually the ward is being revealed by red sweeper, which has a time limit to its effect, most ppl are happy to have help killing the ward so they can keep moving and find another
Depends on how the lane is gonna end up. ie: You gank a lane for your ally - but now they are too low/don't have enough wave clear to crash the wave into tower safely/they need to recall = help them shove in. Or they are behind and didn't get gold from the gank (no kill, maybe just an assist) - in which case taking their farm might actually leave them in a worse place than if you hadn't ganked. Often I will avoid last hitting unless I see that my ally isn't trying to last hit (and are just trying to shove quickly). a nightmare situation for a laner is "I'm behind but have a sizable minion wave on my side building up. my ally ganks and we don't get a kill - then leaves me. now I can't shove the wave in fast enough without dying, so I just have to recall, and then my opponent gets back to lane and just freeze the wave near his tower against me. He can't be ganked so long as hes by his tower and I can't shove the wave into the tower to reset the lane position without him just killing me"
In solo queue, its usually best to let lanes/jungle get their own farm - its rare that there is some clear hard carry that everyone else should be seeding farm to (and its usually best if multiple team members can hit item spikes around the same time). past mid game, its generally understood that laners will farm jungle camps if there isn't a wave to catch.
Pay attention to what your jungler is doing at the moment - if hes on the other side of the map looking to gank a lane, its totally fine for you to take the camp. Camps value is based on the avg level of champs when that camp spawns, so if it'll be a while before your jungler even comes back to this camp, you might be doing them a favor by killing it (since it will respawn with a higher value, and generate no value while alive - it is strictly optimal to kill camps asap). Also consider where the next objective is - if dragon is about to spawn and you know your team wants to fight over it, pls don't take the jungler's camps around dragon (since they will need to be there and probably don't want be there if there are no camps to take in the area). If you want to take this one step further - often junglers will pick a camp to skip since they cannot just spend all time farming. If you know which camp that is, thats just a free camp to farm. Finally, it also depends on if your jungler is playing a carry who just wants to power farm or an early game ganker.
The closest to soft supports you will get are things like Karma/Lulu solo laners (actually playing a support champ) or solo laners/junglers who are just looking to use their resources for other lanes (ie: a roam heavy champ like Aurelion Sol who wants to just shove his wave and gank repeatedly, or a shen top whose gonna use his TP and Ult off CD to help other lanes). In pro games, junglers also usually end up as soft supports outside of laning, where they cede most of their farm to lane carries.
Finally, depending on your matchmaking rating, these mechanics/systems might not be understood by players, so they might get upset at you even though you are doing the right thing. thats kinda unavoidable.
Also i lied on #5. Theres funnel strats (Second hard support in mid, playing around a hard carry in the jungle). This is collectively known as a dick move, and the enemy team will hate you. But really its our fault for not removing it better.