12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotDashiJador since bots are going to feel more like PvP games and have improved AI, is it intentional to make them harder (even in beginner and intro difficulties)

And can we expect skins back for bots, adds nice variance to matches.


The (ideal) intention for Intro/Beginner is to not make them harder than the current bots but more catered and focused on New Players learning League. For Intermediate, we tried to intentionally make intermediate only slightly harder than they currently are, but not significantly harder as new players are at a much lower skill bar than even Iron ranked players. Regardless of our current expectations, we do want to iterate on this new experience with new players though so we are excited to hear feedback on how we can better tweak the queues!

And yes, for Intermediate queue we have bots using skins and chromas!

12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by FireDevil11

Can you also make them use wards please. There is a newbie mission that makes you destroy 5 wards, but the current bots don't place any and playing normals on a new account feels really bad since I am put against new players who don't know how to even buy jungle item let alone play the game.


Currently the bots do not use wards yet. Given the bots will be opponents, the player normally will not actively see their opponents warding in comparison to allies. We do have it for consideration for adding post-launch though!

Beyond that, our team is looking at other opportunity spaces to help better teach more strategic or nuanced elements of League, and when in the player live cycle learning those would not feel like "information overload".

12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by LetGoMyLegHo

damn guess that person who was asking about these bots gets their answer

"ask and ye shall receive" -riot apparently?

shout out to /u/RiotSentanel (and others on their team) for the Soonβ„’ meme they mentioned in the other thread and making it a reality :)

edit: i suck at words apparently

Duuuuuude you do not know how much we were like πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ when someone said "okay we will hear more tomorrow". :)

12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Really like that skins will be back, will ult skins be available, I’m just curious if Lux bot could pick a form

Ult skins will totally be available for them to randomly select!

For Ult Lux though, my gut says she probably would not select a variant in game since that sort of thing requires bespoke code.

12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I also ask how the new Viego and Sylas bots will work, given they use parts of other champs’ kits. Do you guys have code for the basic patterns of all champs

Viego and Sylas will not be in the queue on launch, but Sylas might be close to being enabled.

We have a basic pattern for spells to work thanks to the previous tech clean up efforts they did to make Sylas even work in the first place. :)

Viego's main issue is actually handling his invisibility and unique playstyle. Currently we focused on making the tooling sustainable so we picked champions that can work pretty well with the generic behavior trees first before moving on to more custom playstyle champs.

12 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by CatInALaundryBin

just have them use them in brushes, or brushes players enter. there is this really awkward and unrealistic thing where you can be at 10 health and if you run into a bush the bots might just be like 'yeah I have map hacks and know you're in there, but pushing this lane seems more pressing'.

putting a ward to gain vision of a bush is a tactic worth teaching, too.

Oh agreed it is worth teaching! We did do the investigation though and it is quite expensive, which is why we delayed it for reprioritization post-launch.

I do not see a world where we do not do it though, just not required for an initial launch. :)