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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

I figured I'd take this opportunity to post some quick personal thoughts on how I see our game design in league of legends evolving. In response to Akshan, the general consensus has went from "Look at all these unique tools Akshan has, how can he possibly not be OP/overloaded and exist in the same game as Udyr/Annie?" to "Wait, this champion is REALLY weak and his W is holding him back". And this evolution in thought is interesting because it really speaks to how much there is left to learn about power budgets in League of Legends.

Champions can win in a variety of ways in League of Legends. Some of them are super obvious, stat-stick style win-conditions (a-la Jax or Jinx) where they just have big numbers that add up to winning fights heads-up. Inversely, though, some champions have power budget shifted into less obvious win conditions, like Bard's super unique utility/roaming power or Ivern's contributions to utility for his team (like buff sharing and low-econ jungling). Understanding that we can essentially tune down "traditional" power (in the form of stats) to introduce ways to win that are unique (like Akshan revive/roam power budget), keeps the game fresh as far as alternative playstyles and game-to-game variance.

To turn this into a thought exercise using numbers, if Zed or Lucian get 50 "win-rate points" from just their damage, target access, and other fighting power, that is perfectly okay as long as we understand that their utility will amount to essentially 0. Inversely, Akshan, for example, may get 10 "win-rate points" from his W utility alone, so we pull that power directly from "traditional" combat power sources, and tell the Akshan player to get creative with how they win the game and use the power budget allocated towards the W to create wins.

With this context, it comes at 0 surprise that players are struggling on release. They have been given a champion that's power is under budgeted towards combat compared to what they're used to, so they have to learn to win with his unique playstyle/win conditions. As we create more champions in league of legends, the exercise of trying to put power into kits that aren't just "more damage on X ability/combo" to diversify gameplay is one we will likely improve on over time.

If anyone has any questions regarding Akshan (I am the lead analyst on him), I'd be happy to answer.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by WmWzK

Can we expect his mastery curve to be shared after players settle into his playstyle? Would like to see how hard he is and how he compares to champs we have mastery curves of in difficulty

That's an interesting idea. I'd love to find an opportunity in the future to share my (and my team's) learnings from Akshan development/launch, including things like mastery win-rate growth.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Don't mean to be rude, but I guess I just don't see how his abilities really fit into each other? Why does his passive (with the double-shot and cancelling it for MS and shield) work the way it does? Why is his ultimate a charge-up Caitlyn ult? The revive is one thing, but considering he's supposed to be a marksman assassin, the rest of his kit doesn't seem that well suited for it? Like, he intentionally has low DPS and all of his utility is in his revive, sure. But how does he assassinate someone? Wait till they're low, stealth in then Q-AA-R? How does he snowball? What can he do except hope for a shutdown in a teamfight if he falls behind? His laning doesn't even seem that good for a midlane marksman.

Sorry if this is a lot, I just see his kit as being more scattered and all over the place than any release since, I don't know, Neeko? Despite all the balance complaints, champion kits in the past few years have usually done a great job of being cohesive and properly communicating the champion fantasy through gameplay, and I just don't see that in Akshan. Like, put him next to Samira (another much-maligned new marksman with a ton of stuff in her kit, but one that's smooth and intuitive as hell) and the difference is pretty striking.

The points on kit cohesion are less my wheelhouse, so I'll defer that one to a designer.

As for the "How does this all add up to a functional play pattern?" part, that I can speak to. Akshan's power is meant to come from opportune roaming, which each portion of his kit is meant to feed into. His Q is meant to provide wave clear so he can push for priority in mid lane to have first moves on roams. His W (the stealth and MS and mana regen) are there to enable him to arrive at a fight undetected and quickly. And lastly, his E and R are meant to chase down those that get away.

To your point though, his DPS is low, his targets being full health usually makes them non-targets for him, which is why roaming to fights that your team has initiated is his strength.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Elidot

At which point (time spent on live and winrate) would you consider buffing him if he does end up looking too weak and, to add to that, which aspects of his kit look to be a target for such buffs? This isnt me asking you already to consider him for buffs but just hypothetically speaking.

We usually do a quick check to see if he's micropatch worthy (that's today, actually), then would look again come next patch.

We would likely target areas that make him "easier" for people less familiar with his pattern. This could be early AD/waveclear to assist with farming or base durability so he gets less punished for misplays.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Did you guys test iterations of Akshan with more power allocated to damage and if so was it way more frustrating

Yeah, before we tuned his damage down to the (aggressively) low numbers they are now, games would get out of hand fairly quickly due to his propensity to roam. Similar to Taliyah mid, gating his 1v1 power has kept him from running over his lane then the game, which previously was his win-condition.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

These comments are fun.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by Aries_Zireael

Just want to say that im having a lot of fun playing Akshan. Its been a while since i had been this excited for a new release. Congrats!!

Love to hear that :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

I'm not worried about Akshan's kit as it stands.

What I am worried about is when he releases with a horrific low winrate, and the design team decides to overbuff him to the point where that long list of 'weaknesses' no longer even exist.

There's nothing that scares me more than a new Champion with a zany kit and a very low winrate. It only means big buffs that may upheave the delicate tuning required to make those zany new mechanics permissible to begin with. We'll see what happens.

Thats a fair concern, and its something we keep in mind when hotfixing him. We choose AD partially because his last hitting and farming was very difficult, which isn't a weakness we wanted him to have (nor likely any champion to have). Things like the attack speed are on our radar for similar reasons, we have weaknesses we want him to have, but for our buffs we want to target those weaknesses which aren't intentional or vital to his identity.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Solash1

But that’s not what you’re here for; you’re here to ask “do you have any idea exactly how powerful this revive is?”

To which I’d answer—of course not.

I can already tell this exact quote is gonna get brought up in response to a future champion being overpowered like the 200 years thing

I am at peace with this "meme" because honestly the answer is candid. For example how much power is a potentially 5-man 2.5s complete invulnerability? On paper that is surely game-breaking absurdity but in practice Taric ult is a completely fair and reasonable spell. We want each champion to have an identity and do something unique, and quantifying that uniqueness is almost always exceptionally difficult. I would almost aruge that the less quantifiable an effect is the more interesting and unique that makes it, though our goals vary for each project on just how much we want to push the bar.

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Waygzh

"Why does Akshan have a revive?" "f**k if we know, random cool fun ig"

"do you have any idea exactly how powerful this revive is?" "of course not"


I don't know if you are joking and just wanted to insert this funny clip but this article (which I am assuming you didnt read based on the reply) literally explains why he has a revive in great detail.