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True story. I posted this today, but it got deleted because it wasn't long enough. So I figured I add some details. I'm looking for a part time job and applied to a lot of random office-type jobs.

So these people invite me who run a support center that is owned by some chinese company. They support mostly triple A titles, give out keys, handle complaints and so on. Interesting stuff if you like video games. Anyways, I arrive their and a guy a bit older than me who greets me. We talk, he introduces me to their company, what they do, named a few games they're dealing with and so on. After I introduced myself they asked me what games I play.

I mentioned that I mainly play League of Legends these days. The interviewer was very curious all of the sudden. He said he's been playing league since S3 and still plays it almost every day. He was a big Shyvanna fan. Suddenly he asked me what my main was. I thought about it for a second because I play Ahri and Lux so much. He saw my hesitation and said "Please don't say Yasuo. If you do I'm afraid our interview had to here". We both laughed about it.

I'm sure he wasn't serious about the not hiring part, but I think he really find Yasuo annoying. Crazy what kind of reputation this champ gets lol

tl;dr: job interviewer at support center for video games joked about not hiring me if I were a Yasuo main

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almost 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

we do the same thing here