After playing for just shy of 9 years, thousands and thousands of hours, fun with friends and tryharding without luck, I've finally got to my first gold ranked!
A lot of people complaining here about Gold still being Silver of yesteryear etc, but this isn’t a “look at me I’m now better than all of you” this is my self reaching a milestone I’ve had for years, I know it’s an empty milestone but for atleast 2 years I’ve actually tried at this game to consciously improve and have finally got to where I aimed for. I play once or twice a day once I get home from work and try to improve and learn something each day! I’m proud for myself and know this is nothing to truly write home about, either way - thank you for all the kind words, hopefully when the reset comes I won’t be far off and I can aim for Plat this coming year!
Myself and my brother started playing around a similar time and have recently been trying to climb together, he would ADC and I would play support where I feel I am best, however we was finding it hard to carry games from botlane in the current meta, so we recently swapped to top/jung, this allowed me to “relearn” the game and focus on game mechanics, we found a lot of success and we’ve now both climbed to gold this season!
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