I want to talk about Galio. I don't play this champion on PC and I played him on WildRift only, but I always thought that he was kinda cool.
But what even is his identity? So far, we have 2 main anti AD tanks in the forms of Malphite and Rammus. So it kinda makes sense to have anti AP tanky champion too, right? When looking at Galio's kit, one might say that he fits that category of being anti AP champion. However, just look at his winrates in midlane. Using both U.gg and LOLalytics, he:
Loses against AD assassins like Zed, Naafiri.
Loses against other AD mid picks like Trist, Akshan. So ok, it kinda makes sense. Since he is anti AP, right?
But then, he also loses against traditional AP Mages, like ASol, Veigar, Malzahar, Ahri. And against other AP picks like Kassadin.
So far, it looks like he counters only AP assassins mid. And it makes sense, considering Galio's range. But isn't that kinda bad for anti AP champ to only counter assassins? I don't want to doom post, but it's kinda funny how Galio has more chances of winning against Yasuo rather than something like Malzahar.
His buildpath is also awkward. He is a rare example of a champion having MR ratio on his abilities, but if you build him as a tank, he kinda does nothing. And Riot doesn't want him to build like an AP assassin too, considering his recent changes to push him into bruiserish playstyle.
But in that sense, why do you even pick Galio when Gragas exists, a similar AP tanky champion that actually CAN build like an ap assassin to burst targets and also build ROA if you need to be frontlining more. Is having Galio for his Ult and W that worth?
It kinda seems that he has no Identity anymore.
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