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Solo Queue Tracker

  • First of all, this spreadsheet was a Frankenstein invention where I kept adding and changing things, and I was not an Excel/Google Sheets expert to begin with, so please don't flame the way the formulas are done haha
  • In summary, it took me 298 games to climb from Gold 2 to Diamond 4 this year (reaching Diamond for the first time.) I tracked every game I played, including my KDA, game time, champion played, lp gained/lost, role, and number of toxic teammates. I then aggregated a bunch of data.
  • Interesting notes:
  1. 60% of my games had at least one toxic teammate; 30% of my wins had at least one toxic teammate; 94% of my losses had at least one toxic teammate. In total, approximately 28.6% of total teammates (not including my duo partners) were some degree of toxic in these games.
  2. In 298 games my max win streak was 7, my max loss streak was 5.
  3. Average game time was 28 minutes, 37 seconds. Shortest was 11 03, and longest was 51 34.
  4. I dodged 14 lobbies (my duo partners also dodged a bunch).
  5. I had a significantly higher win rate duoing than playing solo. (If it matters, "Adam" also just hit Diamond for the first time, while "Bobby" is currently Gold 1 and likely Plat soon. Didn't duo with anyone else)
  6. Reached Diamond with an overall kda of 2.36; 3.55 in wins.
  7. In game number 226, Phreak was my top laner!
  • Tracking toxic teammates was the most interesting part to me. It should be noted that I don't differentiate between types of toxicity - If you AFK'd for a significant chunk, if you inted, if you told someone to kill themselves, or if you were just a toxic asshat that spammed question ping at me when you died like an idiot, all of that got you labelled toxic. It is definitely subjective on my part, but do think it is interesting. If these numbers are an accurate representation of the League community, how do we feel about that?

I had a lot of fun doing the spreadsheet, and think the information is interesting. Idk if it helped me climb at all, but I enjoyed keeping it. Will probably keep tracking as I go through the rest of the season. If anyone has any ideas for improvement I'd be interested to hear them!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Iwishisawahippo

Love Phreak for this. And really just shows that positivity is a great trait for a competitive player. Shutting down helps no one really.

Yay! Glad I could help this guy reach Diamond :)