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Im playing galio support I have 5 items that give me HP (around 1k extra HP) and Akali with 3 Items (850HP extra), question is, How comes Riot let this kind of stuff just run around without balancing? do they actually playtest or think about their balance? i had around 2,9k HP and she had 2,7k, how is she as tanky and even more strong than Galio is? Dealing stupid amounts of damage while also having stupid amounts of HP?

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about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by IttoEnjoyer

Imagine justifying it. It's just broken

Disclaimer: not involved in gameplay balance.

Levels are a significant portion of innate champion tankiness. Akalis health growth is only slightly lower than Galio's. If you're 3 or 4 levels below Akali, she's going to have 400 more health than you.

Akali's current popular build involves her building a tank mythic item, as well as an AP bruiser item (chemtank into demonic embrace). These are some of the highest health items in the game, but it's only around 60 AP.

Without commenting on the state of Akali's balance (I am not on the balance team, and I haven't played as Akali recently), I would wager the reason why OP felt so squishy is largely down to the fact that:

  • Galio support will have much less health than an Akali thanks to the level disrepancy
  • Galios entire mitigation is his W. The passive component scales of HP, making it not so great if you're low level, and otherwise you only have the active component to mitigate damage
  • Support items have lower stat budget than 'normal' items because they are far cheaper, as you mentioned
  • Galio is actually not a very strong tank compared to other tanks in terms of mitigation. His resistances are quite a bit lower than comparable champions, which means each point of HP is worth a bit less than it might otherwise be. This is offset by a bunch of other factors like his damage, and it's one of the reasons why Galio is not a good 'general' support pick unless you are trying to use his specific strengths (semi-global ult, waveclear, damage) compared to other more traditional supports.

Would need to see particulars (Akali's actual items vs Galio's actual items and levels) to say much more

EDIT: sorry im not trying to double-post, reddit is just having an upsetti spaghetti atm

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Nerfshatterdive

Lets see, Akali and myself were almost same level (maybe 1 level lower), my items were, Support item, dead mans plate, thornmail, everfrost, her items were embrace, riftmaker, mejail. I had around 2,9k HP, she had around 2,7k hp.

How with 4 items that gives more HP than hers, she is tankier and deals more damage?

How with 4 items that gives more HP than hers, she is tankier and deals more damage?

The only way that Akali is really tanky is due to her base magic resistance, which is higher than average by 5 points. It's more that Galio is not very tanky for the class of champion he is; His base health is 62 higher and he gains 7 more hp per level. He also has 1 more armor point than normal. However, this is compared to Akali. Compared to a pure tank support, like Leona, his base armor is 23 points lower, and his MR growth is slightly lower.

Akali also built two of the highest health AP items in the game which do not bring any resistances. This means that while your health pools are similar, you have far more effective health than she does.

She deals more damage simply because the gold that you itemised toward armor resistance, she itemised toward AP. Mejais is also one of the most slot and gold efficient items in the game because it can give so much ability power, so if she had any stacks, that would also be why she was doing so much damage, especially when you consider that you were relying on your base magic resistance, which is quite low.

Let's say you're both level 18 for arguments sake, and you're both running the same items as you mentioned. You'll be taking about 35% reduced damage from magic damage, making your effective health round(((2466 base + 1100 from items) * 1.15) * 1.35) = 5536. The additional 1.15 term is because with your W passive up you have an increased 15% effective health pool against magic damage.

Akali has more base magic resistance than Galio, but lower health scaling. Applying the same formula, Akali will have round((2285 base + 850 from items) * 1.37) = 4295. This means that at maximum level, with the items you've listed, Galio can sustain around 1300 more damage than Akali can from magic damage.

Now, if we were to adjust this so that you were around 2 levels lower than Akali, which is likely for a support, then you'd be level 16, and the result would instead be round(((2183 + 1100) * 1.15) * 1.35) = 5096, a reduction of 500 health, putting you much closer to Akali's level of tankiness.

This is the most likely reason why you felt so squishy against her. We can agree or disagree on whether Akali's damage is strong, but it's more that Galio without magic resistance is not very tanky, rather than Akali with health being very tanky.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by memeoi


who dis

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Pretend_Yam6590

I like how you didn't read the part where I said it was bad for playing against an akali in isolation. Isolation means by itself, so if you were playing against just an akali in your game (which you obviously weren't, it would be bad. I know that reading is hard and you're probably slobbering all over your keyboard, but I'd try to learn to read a little bit more.

Also tanks are very strong when they actually build tanky. If every nautilus and leona started to build ever frost instead of a tank support item and then building only armor and complaining about the akali on the enemy team, then we'd have some serious issues.

When you play galio support with ever frost instead of locket like it's intended, you are essentially playing a mid lane galio, except now, your galio doesn't deal damage, isn't positioned in the mid lane so it can easily ult to both sides, and it isn't tanky. Well played.

I know that reading is hard and you're probably slobbering all over your keyboard,

there is no need for personal insults.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Nerfshatterdive

I mean, i build that because the other part of the team were all AD, Akali was the only AP user on that team, so if im not mistaken, from now on, I should build only to counter Akali? I have to focus everything, throw all armor and just focus on trying to counter an AP champ with 2 items? how is that even balanced to begin with? bare in mind she wasnt even that fed to begin with.

No wonder people are just using Mages as supports, "tanks" arent even that good if you have to either a) counter most of the team, or b) Counter one champ in special that can 1 shot everyone with 2 tank/AP items

Picking Galio support into a composition where you have to itemise primarily armor is an uphill battle. If not being played vs a primarily magic damage team, Galio loses a significant amount of his tankiness; he has no innate tankiness compared to most melee champions if not against magic damage, with his only really defensive addition being the active portion of his W. Galio support is mostly picked for its disruption and anti-dive capability, as well as being good against magic damage heavy compositions; it's not picked for its tankiness, because as I've discussed, Galio on his own is not very tanky even when building tank items when he is at a level deficit.

There aren't many items that give resistances of both types for a reason - It is intended that if you heavliy itemise toward armor, that you will be weak against magic damage champions. The way to view this is that because you've itemised full armor, your team should focus down the Akali because that's what will deal meaningful damage to you. Obviously, because of her shroud, this is difficult.

Galio support is picked in pro play specifically to take advantage of either his disengage, or to compound strong engage on a team, or for his global. For a generic tank, pros would probably pick Leona or something else. You can absolutely play Galio support, but you need to be aware that Galio being squishier than other tank supports is one of his weaknesses.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by mustangcody

Hey Riot Dan, why are you arguing with these people? They just want to validate their feelings by ranting on Reddit and hope people agree with them.

I wouldn't really characterise what I am doing as arguing, I just like talking about League.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by butthurt-fanboy

No flame but here in reddit we just type "git gud". No point explaining things to somebody who wants to disagree

It's very easy to confuse how things are with how things ought to be :p

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by MCrossS

You mean around 80 AP, not 60.

DE only gives 60AP and I wasn't including runes

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by MCrossS

Demonic Embrace gives AP = 0.02 bonus HP. Akali had at least 900 bHP.

oh true i didn't include the passive