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Nerfed version: 40 MR instead of 50MR

New build path, same total gold.: Hearthbound axe+Null-Magic Mantle+Pickaxe

Picture: https://imgur.com/a/huQUDdP

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about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by F0RGERY

50 MR is the same MR as Negatron cloak. In fact, of the three items that build out of Negatron, only FoN gives more MR than it.

That would be fine... if those 3 items weren't also in the top 5 MR items. Right now a Negatron Cloak alone gives more MR than Spirit Visage or Abyssal Mask, and the same MR as Maw, all of which are supposed to be the MR items.

Including Abyssal Mask in that list is a bit of a lie of omission though, isn't it? It's 37-65 in any reasonable fight. It certainly can be lower but can also be much higher.

Anyway, personally I feel like ~45-50 is a decent spot for a resistance item, generally speaking. I think it's important that a significant portion of the item power is in raw health.

And Maw is trash, sadly.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by LezBeHonestHere_

It's super annoying how they keep removing Negatron from every build path. Riot games REALLY hates this component. I can't think of a component item they hate more over the years. It must be intended to be unusable apparently, because building it is seen as "abuse" by riot.

TBH they should consider just making it a bit smaller like what happened with Giant's Belt. Made it fit into a few more builds and right now it's pretty reliably a, "Hey I'm an AP bruiser, I bet I can buy a Giant's Belt and it turns into something good."

Would like to see all the clear MR-focused tank items build from Negatron and find a way to resize things around that. Offensive items can build from Null Magic.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by YouSoVayne

Usually, when Vayne is broken, it isn't because she herself is OP but everyone else is garbage in comparison.

Lucian, MF, Jhin, Draven, and Cait all used to be awful match ups for me. These days? Its pretty much only Jhin you see bot.

And remember when Rageblade was every 2 autos? THAT is when Vayne was truly broken, but even then, the item was what broke her and not her kit. 6 autos would do 42% true damage, instead of the normal 28%.

Vayne is actually quite balanced, the game? Not so much. I haven't had a difficult laning phase with Vayne since season 8. All of her lane counters are garbage now. Vayne is pretty much the same she's been for years. Biggest problem is there is no one to make Vayne's lane hard now.

The game as a whole, and new items/runes, are the issue here. Delete Shieldbow from the game, I bet Vayne's WR drops to 49-50% again. If not lower.

Vayne is pretty easy to deal with. I peaked at low Plat, and I rarely see anyone abuse my Tumble CD. If Vayne's Q is on CD and she's out of position, she either burns flash or dies.

Force Vayne to use her E to disengage pre-6. Not only is it a 20s CD, but it depletes like half her mana bar. Now she doesn't have any mana for Q.

Post-6, apply pressure to Vayne and force her to use R early. Mediocre Vayne players will almost always play passively when their R is on CD.

Avoid 1v1 skirmishes with Vayne unless you are ahead in gold/items, and/or levels. If both champs are even, Vayne will win.

CC hurts her, but we all know we've played in teams where no one picks a CC champ. A good Vayne, like Yi, requires a coordinated team effort to defeat. CC Vayne, and she blows up quick.

If the Vayne is good? Try to tilt the player using /all chat. Call him Gosu when he dies, make fun of their bad tumbles, whatever it takes. Vayne players, like many Yasuo/Yi/Zed/Riven players, are extremely easy to tilt. Tilt them, they play like crap, and tilt even more. Ez.

Vayne gained 1% wr from the preseason changes. I couldn't tell you exactly what it was (it wasn't Lethal Tempo, PtA had a similar rise in win rate) that caused it.

So certainly something changed around her that isn't just a better keystone. Could just be that games are looser because it's preseason and Vayne loves a fiesta. Could be that the champion pool around her is beneficial. Nami and Lucian, both champions who have good matchups into Vayne, have gotten less popular in pre-season but I don't think that's enough to explain the effect.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Phemeth

I honestly do not understand the distaste for Maw, it is 109% gold efficient with base stats alone (for comaprison right now wits end pre nerf is 106% gold efficient) it has good stats and a decent build path with Hexdrinker and a couple of daggers into a Warhammer.

The only serious complain you could have is it shares the lifeline passive of shieldbow and sterak, but besides that it's a great item on its own.

Even the build that might not seem much after getting the hexdrinker, it needs only another 1500g and gives you +25 MR, +30 AD, +15 AH, which is 1900g of stats alone and empowers the passive.

I'm not saying it's better then Wit's End which has better synergy with on-hit builds and gives more dps due to AS component, but it's far better then people seem to think

Basically it appears to be strictly inferior to its two replacements:

Wit's is a better dueling item than Maw and though it gives less burst survivability (200 + 20% max health shield on an item with no health), gives far more damage for winning that duel in the first place.

Sterak's Gage gives a similar amount of baseline durability and damage (50 AD, 500 hp vs. 50 MR), the shields are of similar size (100+8-40% max hp vs. 200+20% max hp), but Sterak's blocks all damage and gives regen of up to 1% max hp / sec. So Sterak's definitely just does more, even in many anti-mage cases.

I agree that Maw isn't definitively trash in isolation but you can't buy Maw and Sterak's or Maw and Shieldbow, so you'd rather buy one of those plus a Wit's End.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by VWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVV

I guess the question is Wits a resistance item or an offensive item. We run into trouble when things are good in multiple roles. I'd argue maybe slight increase in offensive stats and an increased MR cut would more clearly define the item.

It’s a fighter item. Fighter items are cool in that they go for damage and durability on one axis at a time. I think their itemization is compelling.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by St3fanenku

"They" wtf you can just go on Slack and ask them to consider that ??

I can. But there’s only so much I’m willing to spam them. They’re certainly aware that Maw isn’t good. But fighters are currently fine and probably don’t need a buff vs. mages at the moment.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by kakatudeka

could objective bounties have something to do with it? Longer games means happier vaynes

That’s a decent idea. Late game champions are almost certainly buffed when there suddenly exists new comeback mechanics.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by streyer

is it really a fighter item? cause it seems the main champions that built wits end were all Ranged and melee adcs (and irelia but she is basicly a melee adc like yasuo/yone now)

Stat line (edit: for Maw) seems like exactly what Pantheon or Fiora or Camille would like. Don't see why it's not a fighter item.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Nibz11

It's only compelling if the items that can be damage and durability at the same time do less damage than just damage items and have less durability than items that are just durability.

Sure, of course. OP items break the principles of choice.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellioning

Fiora or Camille, maybe. I don't think Pantheon wants that much attack speed.

Oh I thought we were talking about Maw. Yeah, nah Wit's doesn't fit the more caster-focused ones.