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I've legit been on a non stop winning streak basically climbing from emerald 3 to diamond 2 in the span of less than a week with this one hidden secret.

We all know how the league player base is, so that's why if anything goes wrong, I always take the blame for it. If it was something I was uninvolved in, I'll try to keep a PMA and say we can win. But if there was a fight or lane that i was a part of, even if i didn't f*ck anything up, I'll take the blame if it goes wrong. I'll say, sorry guys I f*cked this up its my fault ill take the blame and really act like I feel really bad about it. That even the flamers feel bad and stop flaming and play the game when i say i'll try better next fight. And I take all of the blame and deflect from everyone else.

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over 1 year ago - /u/spawndog - Direct link

Originally posted by garlicjuice

i'm in a senior tech role lol

Yeah, thats a big part of the job. You own everything by default.