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It feels like everything in the region has gotten better, and when i say everything I mean everything. I haven't enjoyed watching EU Lcs this much since summer split 2015. I love it, The players , The casters, The teams, The crowd, everything!

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almost 7 years ago - /u/Timbolt - Direct link

Originally posted by Drakarim

Hm and this is the first Year where i havent watched a single Game yet. And i dont know why. Its for sure not because i dont like the Staff, they are all great.

Hm maybe with MSI or Playoffs, but it looks like i need a little more Hype, after so many Players i liked left EU (Zven, Mithy, PoE, Febiven, Ignar, Expect, Trick) and so many Teams i liked got gutted (G2, UoL, MSF).

Realy strange, because i watch LCS since Season 3 and dosent even play League.

Hm maybe someone can name 1-2 realy good Games who could catch me again ?

You should tune in for next week's game between FNC and G2. Now that those team's have had some time to get in shape and are on a 5 and 6 game winning streak respectively, it should make for a captivating match! It will be on next Saturday.