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Patch 12.5 just got released today but it seems like there are already changes on pbe

It seems like RIOT is targeting healing in the game overall, reducing it

Changes to items :

Vamp scepter :

lifesteal 10%>8%

Shieldbow :

lifesteal 10%>8% HP per legendary :50<70

Bork :

lifesteal 10%>8%


lifesteal 20%>15% Ad :55<60

Changes to runes : Legend bloodline :

lifesteal per stack 0.6 >0.4%

At max stacks you get 100 bonus hp

Fleet footwork : AD ratio on heal lowered ( can't recall exact same value)

Ravenous hunter : (removed)

New :

Treasure hunter : unique takedowns grant you bonus gold upon your first time collecting them total bonus gold :550G

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almost 3 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Here to clarify the goals on these changes.

As a general principle, sustain (like any other stat), should come at a cost. If you want to deal a ton of damage, you usually sacrifice durability. If you wanna itemize to be a drain tank, you shouldn't also present a high damage threat.

So imagine this as a systemic pass at re-evaluating the cost of sustain. The early hints of these are seen in the Fighter Mythic changes over S11, with Goredrinker/DS having damage siphoned to cost their sustain power (also why they're not in this list).

almost 3 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by Talinis

Sure, it should come as an opportunity cost, but AD have choices for sustain with multiple items. AP champions literally only have 1 mythic choice in Riftmaker for sustain (which costs them their mythic option). You should think about putting another 1 or 2 legendary options with spell vamp for AP based champions. You have to think about AP champions when making these decisions to remove things like ravenous.

Ravenous could have easily been balanced better by changing the omnivamp to spell vamp. The item was much more balanced prior to the omnivamp change as it didn't allow people to just soak hp by auto attacking (which costs no mana).

AP champions have always traditionally been pigeon-holed into one specific item for any one stat while AD have always been able to pick and choose between multiple options (or even STACK those options). Please try to diversify their (AP) options and item pools.

I main fizz jungle and you are basically saying I am not allowed to jungle with these changes since AP have no sustain.

AP champions as a generalization do not need sustain as a core stat as much as other classes. They are more burst reliant, have less combat contact time, and are meant to be weaker in sustained combat.

Obviously there are champs that break these normal standards and we will investigate them as needed (Ryze, Cass, Karthus). And before this goes to "just revert to old Rav Hunter", the rune was eventually tuned to only be viable on that subset of champs and near useless on every other mage.

Also for junglers, the omnivamp on the item is unchanged. I don't really understand how you're saying the 0% omnivamp at lvl 1 is the sole reason you are unable to jungle fizz.