Patch 12.5 just got released today but it seems like there are already changes on pbe
It seems like RIOT is targeting healing in the game overall, reducing it
Changes to items :
Vamp scepter :
lifesteal 10%>8%
Shieldbow :
lifesteal 10%>8% HP per legendary :50<70
Bork :
lifesteal 10%>8%
lifesteal 20%>15% Ad :55<60
Changes to runes : Legend bloodline :
lifesteal per stack 0.6 >0.4%
At max stacks you get 100 bonus hp
Fleet footwork : AD ratio on heal lowered ( can't recall exact same value)
Ravenous hunter : (removed)
New :
Treasure hunter : unique takedowns grant you bonus gold upon your first time collecting them total bonus gold :550G
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