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“4 Asians and 1 EU player vs An EU Team” I see this complaint on every stream chat at international tournaments about our NA teams.

Am I the only one bothered by this level of ignorance? North America is a land of immigrants. As an Asian American myself i take great pride in seeing us asians representing north america. Racism, under representation and misrepresentation of asians in America has always been an issue. And finally we have something to look at and say we asian americans are leaving a mark. Xmithie and Doublelift have Asian Heritage but are American Citizens. We are a land of immigrants and mixed heritages and that’s our strength.

Some of y’all are just memeing i get it but as an Asian American I can’t help but hear the underlying tones of racism and ignorance that permeate through.

I wish Riot would do something about it but really the change has to come from us the community so I just kindly ask that people respect our region and more importantly embrace the asian american representation we have as North Americans at these international tournaments.

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over 5 years ago - /u/ThuggInUggs - Direct link

Originally posted by ceejaybalbin

this is the core of what my original post is about. this echoes the same sentiment Crazy Rich Asians had in Hollywood. Just because we are of Asian heritage doesn't make us any less American or less qualified to represent North America on the international stage. yes Impact and Core JJ are originally from Korea but they represent what it means to be an American. Coming to America and making your mark and becoming successful is the American Dream. And Core JJ and Impact are doing it with their success this year. Same can be said about Xmithie.

allow us to be visible. and don't disqualify us.

My read on all of the twitch spam of this etc. is that it was coming from places (outside of NA) where the national makeup is much more homogeneous than in the United States / NA.

The concept of having a truly multicultural national identity is pretty unique, so its something that can be hard for those from other countries to understand. Then again, maybe I am just being naive on this.

That being said, yes it is tilting - someone like Doublelift IMO embodies the aspirational meaning of what it is to be an american. The dude works incredibly hard to be the best at his craft, has overcome several setbacks, but always comes back stronger.

Import players too are taking there shot to succeed here, and as a fan I don't think about where the players representing my region are born, all I care about is them being proud to represent our branch of League and go out there and play their best.