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For anyone unaware, Lead Gameplay Designer "Phroxz0n" shared with the community a Chinese Data site that publicly discloses League's Winrate, Pickrate and Banrate Data for the Chinese servers, which you can visit HERE! (Using U.gg for our data instead)

Some things are fairly similar, for example Aatrox is turbo popular both in our regions and China, but some things are starkly different!

For instance, Volibear is surprisingly non-existent in China, and has around a 2% Pickrate, compared to here where he's almost 3 times as popular with a 6% Pickrate.

Another example with Banrate this time, for some reason, Chinese player REALLY, REALLY hate Samira!

She has FOURTY FIVE, yes 45% BANRATE in China, it is insane! Here she has 13%!

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8 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Skarner also does not exist as a jungle champion in China. He is only played Top Lane!

8 months ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by TheDutchCanadian

Are you sure that they're playing the same game as we are? 😋

Probably not! At least it feel different :) How players play: Metas, pace of games, mentality around what is broken vs not can influence how a game feel and plays out and even what is perceived as balanced. Sometimes we even see popular opinions change the state of the game.

8 months ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by facevisi10

Weirder names are not due to no translation, but intentional choice of change. Twitch's "The Plague Rat" can be translated directly, but rat sounds uncool in chinese, so calling it the "source' instead feels better.

There's a naming convention in chinese where using 4 words sound appealing. It's like how most champion's titles are "the [adjective] [noun]" or "the X of the Y". Chinese can translate that while retaining the appeal, but has more difficulty with the ones that has abstract titles like Yasuo/Yone (The Unforgiven/The Unforgotten). They are given completely new titles that describes their overall character (Yasuo = Swift Wind Blade Master, Yone = Spiritual swordsman who seals demons) for the sake of coolness

In Chinese there are many literary choices and figurative language that makes certain words sound better together. These nuances and history are often not picked up by translation tools. Also lots of champ names are romanization of their English names, making them hard to remember. There is more wiggle room with the title to make it more iconic. Sometimes certain champions are known more as their title there than names. Ex: Darius = shorten to Noxus' Hand.
But ya there are bad translations too because each character in Chinese can mean a whole variety of things depending on context.