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After Project Avengers in 2016 where they raised 170 000 € and last year's Zevent when they raised 452 000 € (French source can be found here https://www.numerama.com/pop-culture/287990-z-event-le-marathon-de-jeu-video-obtient-452-000-euros-de-dons-pour-aider-les-victimes-dirma.html), a bunch of french streamers just put out an entire week-end of streaming for a charity organization (Médecins Sans Frontières) and just broke out their precedent record, raising more than 1 083 000 euros from friday night to last night 1pm (French source here again http://www.gameblog.fr/news/79453-zevent-le-million-d-euros-de-dons-depasse-a-la-fin-de-l-even).

Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, is a french non-governmental organization that focuses on providing health care and medical needs to areas that don't have access to any, they rely solely on private donations (thanks u/Tonsterlol) so you can donate here if you want to https://donate.doctorswithoutborders.org/onetime.cfm

Riot gave 10 000€ too, which they thanked by playing a LoL showmatch, link to the tweet here : https://twitter.com/LoL_France/status/1061265804581367808

I find it odd that there is no international exposure at all so I'm trying to get some in order to gain some traction to next year's event.

Edit : Added context for Riot's donation

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over 6 years ago - /u/Kushnood - Direct link

Originally posted by Rolf_Dom

As I understand Riot doesn't want the cheap publicity of donating to charities nor putting one type of charity above others. So they usually keep their donations quiet, but they do donate large sums every year.

Issue with promoting any one type of charity is that it feels so bad for all the other charities that are ignored who may arguably deserve it more. How do you choose between helping starving children or war veterans or natural disaster relief and so on. It's very hard, so Riot just donates to a bunch of charities behind the scenes.

Just to add a bit more context - we try to base all of our social impact "investments" around the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We've done a lot of research into what SDG's are the most important in each region and try make sure we're supporting the causes that matter most in each region.

That's why we saw such a large smattering of different orgs supported as part of our Dark Star Cho'Gath campaign.