Olaf looks completely dead in the jungle but very op in toplane.
Taliyah aoe Q is back, a lot of changes and as nobody plays her I can't say in terms of damage how much better it will be.
NOT SO FAST LITTLE SPARROW Damage from enemy champions or structures now prevents Taliyah from casting R - Weaver’s Wall for 3 seconds
This seems kinda big however as you can't just run away from a bad situation.
Glad they aren't targeting Ahri's damage and finally hitting her safety/utility for once.
Not sure if that Nidalee nerf is enough as she is one of, if not the best high elo jungler right now.
Interesting that they pulled the Qtap slow buff on Pyke they had planned, removing his ult gold should kill midlane Pyke by itself since the reason it was so good was his increased gold generation from getting both 100 cs together with his ult gold, and not his roaming abilities by "ignoring lane".
Has Thresh ever been at 1+ armor/ap from souls? For as long as I can remember it has been at 0.75 which always felt weird.
Fixed a bug where Nocturne’s R - Paranoia VO line would play louder than intended if players had visibility of more than 1 champion affected by nearsightedness
Rip irl damage strats.
Fixed a bug where Ekko’s Q - Timewinder tooltip was displaying the incorrect AP ratio
Fixed a bug where the damage from Janna’s Q - Howling Gale was not correctly factoring in the ability’s base AP ratio
Thank you u/GalaxySmash I'm assuming.
EDG skins and surprisingly every single high noon skin looks amazing.
Looks like a great patch overall, thank you for reading my boring patch rundown.