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I’m not talking about your average league of legends. I’m talking about something that isn’t that well known unless you main a specific champion. A few examples;
- Kindred R keeps baron alive - Pantheon E blocking Urgot R execute - Skarner R using a Thresh lantern to one shot someone under tower - Syndra stealing red or blue buff and giving it to Ivern to one shot smite it

What are some more interesting interactions?

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about 1 year ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by PrincessTrucy

This actually happened to me on Arena and I couldn't believe my eyes. Lillia's ult is a projectile?

I was part of the team that made it that way. It was because we had to give it a visual (the magic that flies to targets you R), and we try our best to not have any “gameplay irrelevant” missiles in the game, as them flying through windwalls would be confusing.

So it was “Design the ultimate” -> “Realize it needs a visual that shows Lillia putting the target to sleep for satisfaction” -> “realize we can’t make a missile that goes through windwall-like spells” -> “Allow windwalls to block it”