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You could go 2 4 9999999 and they will still say "Support 2 4 noob". Like wtf do people expect the supp to kill? It seems like a major and sad cope to try and ignore that the support has a better score than the person saying it.

And I don't say it for the people who say it just to annoy others, there are plenty who honestly believe the support score consists only of deaths and kills and assists doesn't matter, or how they try to point out the support vision score by looking at the trinket when the trinket score doesn't involve the wards the support item gives you.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhillyBrew - Direct link

Originally posted by lifesucks4

And on the flip side of things, people seem to not recognize that much when an (enchanter) support helps. Like with Brand/Zyra you can at least see a ton of damage, or with Thresh/Leona/Blitz/Naut it's hooks and CC.

I had a fight once where we turned a 3v4 and I saved my Kayn at least 3 total times as Janna, interrupting multiple dashes, knocking every single person up multiple times, as he and my ADC kited and killed them all. Kayn BMed the enemy team in chat.

My ADC (who I was in comms with) said to me "I don't even think he carried that fight." I was thinking "yeah, I think I did." Then he continued. "Like, I was kiting that shit so hard I'm pretty sure it was mostly me."

> My ADC (who I was in comms with) said to me "I don't even think he carried that fight." I was thinking "yeah, I think I did." Then he continued. "Like, I was kiting that sh*t so hard I'm pretty sure it was mostly me."

Oof. Why can't I upvote this comment more than once.