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I strongly encourage everyone to take a moment to watch Phreak's patch breakdown and how he explained his thought process and motivation behind the huge Yuumi nerfs.

Video link (to the specific timestamp).

I had no idea she had such good base stats, and when Phreak went on to explain that she can out-trade a Draven Q at level 1, my mind was boggled. He also goes on to explain that Pro Play Yuumi's were winning lane, and so he specifically wanted to target that.

It's also very interesting that he is completely honest and acknowledges that Yuumi is not meant to teach the fundamentals of Support, and basically confirms what most of the community has said, in that Yuumi is a champion designed for a player required to do less. That might upset the Yuumi mains, but Phreak straight up identifies that Yuumi players do not need to learn positioning as an Enchanter.

He also addresses that the core nerfs (to the base stats) "will not nerf your friend first-timing Yuumi. They will affect Pro Play." He humorously references the Reddit main thread and that he was amused at all the top comments.

"I want Pros to stop playing her, and I want you to stop banning her."

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about 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

I respect that phreak is actually open about what yuumi is.

I have no problem with Yuumi being a beginner champion, but if that's their intention she should be priced at 450BE, not 6.3k

That's a very steep price for a new player with no champions, especially since she isn't even one of the free champs you get from leveling a new account

This is something we agree with and I fully believe that our pricing model is outdated.

August and I are working on updating the BE pricing for a lot of champs to better fit modern standards and to also address some of these things. If Yuumi is meant to be an easy-to-access champion........she should probably be obtainable early.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by TheTruexy

This is something we agree with and I fully believe that our pricing model is outdated.

August and I are working on updating the BE pricing for a lot of champs to better fit modern standards and to also address some of these things. If Yuumi is meant to be an easy-to-access champion........she should probably be obtainable early.

Huge if true

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by CwispyCrab

That’s the best part. They can’t because then she’d be p/b in pro

Yeah that's really unfortunate :(

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by kloricker

Phreak single handedly saving LoL a patch at a time. Phreak the saviour.

Not at all single-handedly. I didn’t do any calling for Yuumi changes. The team is pog and they make good decisions.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by JoshQuest1

Hi Phreak!
Personally I'm not one on the 'Every champ is Riot trying to ruin the game' bandwagon, but I see one argument against Yuumi making the rounds recently and I'd love to see it addressed.

Recently Riot has taken a stance of 'Yuumi is baby's first support, the support to get your friends into league' which is great and I like that.
But everytime that sentence is said someone brings up how Riot was like 'Yuumi is a very complex and skill based champ, you just don't know how to play with/against her.'

I'd love to know what Riot's (and I know you don't speak for all of Riot, you're just a voice the community loves) stance is regarding that old post and if they still think its true or if they changed their mind.

Personally I'd love a world where she is both easy to play as a first champ, and offers skill expression in higher elos. I don't know if we live in that world but I'm very interested to see where the midscope lands.


Yuumi has extremely high skill expression. I don't know if Yuumi was actually meant to be super easy but hopping off has historically been a very big deal and a large part of her power budget.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Sonder332

Watched your breakdwon yesterday. I got the impression you dislike the Spellblade passive on ER. I also got the impression you felt ADC's could use more defensive options, and passed on doing so this patch because that kind of work takes longer to playtest and implement. Do you think you could take a serious pass at items next Pre-Season? Not even just ADC's, but items overall.

Spellblade on ER is cool. Niche items are fine.

ADCs should have very few tailor-made defensive items. The class should be squishy. If they want to build like a different class like Graves does, we have to be willing to support that playstyle.