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Im beyond devastated. I was playing Vladimir on ARAM, showing my silver skills, diving under turrets and then transforming into pool of blood to show kids how to play. I decided to dive 1v5 into enemy team, all went well, managed to totally miss my ult, somehow still killed 4 of them cause I was Vladimir but then my girlfriend came with her Bard and just stole it. With her autoattack. My own girlfriend. Someone I thought is always with me, supporting me. And she just stole it from me. What should I do reddit? In on the verge of breaking up with her. Should I do it?

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Put a ring on it. Any partner who plays with you and is able to help set up future pentakills is worth holding onto. In 10 years of playing this game, my one ranked pentakill was setup by my wife on her nami while I played sivir!