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Hello Everyone,

My name is Mana or Mister Mana I been regularly trying to get better at league of legends and hoping to improve. Recently I started to do Rank for the first time in a long time. Currently I'm in Bronze 1 and what I think people would call Elo Hell.

I mainly been trying to play support to help with ranking up, but I'm also willing to play mid/top or even adc. Support always seems to be needed, so I been doing that for faster ques. Does anyone have any advice they give to improve? Any suggestions on what supports I should stick with?

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12 months ago - /u/RiotToyb - Direct link

Hey nice job making the jump to Ranked. That can be so intimidating!

Honestly I think one of the quickest ways to climb in the lower elos is to just die less. imo it's more important to not die than it is to get a kill. Think before taking a fight - are you just fighting because no action has happened in a little bit, or is there actually a good fight to be had here? Lots of people just engage cause it's been 30 seconds without something flashy happening on the screen, and they end up dying, giving the enemy a lead and losing gold/exp. If you just focus on farming, at that elo you will just naturally become stronger than others in the game and win by power alone. But ya can't really do that if you die a buncha times.


12 months ago - /u/RiotToyb - Direct link

Originally posted by Mister_Mana

Yeah, rank is honestly rough and bit stressful. I appreciate the advice honestly. You're right now to die less. I'm often having less deaths than my adc, but I try to provide as many kills as possible. It's quite possible that I'm not as aggressive when it comes to supporting a least.

When it comes to other positions. You're right that I should focus more on CS than trying to get that kill. Thank you for the advice.

Sure. It's a split moment decision to know 'omg do i go in with my marksman or hang back' and often it's better to take a "bad" fight as a team than to be on separate pages cause they wanna be aggressive and you wanna play passive, so you're not gonna nail it every time and that's ok. It's expected to lose sometimes, so don't put _too_ much pressure on yourself. And if you find yourself getting a bit tilted, take a break! At the end of the day it's a game meant to be fun.

Keep up the great work and you'll keep climbin.