I’ve been seeing a lot of hate on all the new changes happening in what they call “durability patch 2.0”
I for one after reading the notes and their reasoning am really excited for the future. One thing that makes me hype is them acknowledging that league’s current state feels more item focused instead of champion focused, quoting what they said “Most players queue up for a game of League because they want to play a champion. We don’t see anyone load into game and get excited to play Infinity Edge—they want to play Jinx or Yasuo.”
“we want more time for players to play out their champion’s gameplay fantasy and to put more emphasis on champions than items.”
I like league quite a bit, but this was one of my MAJOR issues I’ve had with the game for years. I would always talk about how I wish League took the approach of Dota 2 in which the game is focused on the heroes and not the items.
I’m pretty hyped to see what else they are cooking in the future. I finally see hope that the game isn’t going to be about items and more about the champions and their power fantasies.
On a side note, every single item is getting nerfed. Nothing is dead, itemization is just gonna change quite a bit.
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