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I’ve been seeing a lot of hate on all the new changes happening in what they call “durability patch 2.0”

I for one after reading the notes and their reasoning am really excited for the future. One thing that makes me hype is them acknowledging that league’s current state feels more item focused instead of champion focused, quoting what they said “Most players queue up for a game of League because they want to play a champion. We don’t see anyone load into game and get excited to play Infinity Edge—they want to play Jinx or Yasuo.”

“we want more time for players to play out their champion’s gameplay fantasy and to put more emphasis on champions than items.”

I like league quite a bit, but this was one of my MAJOR issues I’ve had with the game for years. I would always talk about how I wish League took the approach of Dota 2 in which the game is focused on the heroes and not the items.

I’m pretty hyped to see what else they are cooking in the future. I finally see hope that the game isn’t going to be about items and more about the champions and their power fantasies.

On a side note, every single item is getting nerfed. Nothing is dead, itemization is just gonna change quite a bit.

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5 months ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by McMeow1

It's impossible to perfectly balance a game like this. There are too many variables to consider. The game needs to be at the very least tolerable/bearable. Right now LoL is EXTREMELY unbearable to play balance wise. The disparity between champions is unreal. An S tier champ is leagues above an A tier champ (no pun intended) and uncomparable to a B tier champ.

What are some examples of those S & B tier champs for you?

5 months ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Thorned_Beauty666

You see champs posted on sites like U.GG like Amumu, and Lilia being S tier junglers but then see Belveth being B tier.

Sites like U.GG do skew the perception upon seeing stuff like this and while there are many other sites that would do this... Theres no real concrete way to know because at times it boils down to three things: Champ knowledge and how accessible their learning curve is, Team cohesion, and macro knowledge.

But what tends to skew skill perception is if people choose X champ and then they don't really know how to play another champ if they're a OTP Jungler...

Does this help at all?

I mean heck.. Even for Supports, according to U.gg that Milio, Sona and Zilean are considered B tier compared to Pyke, Senna, and a few others... But it also depends on which rank you're looking at them on U.gg as well... Because lower Elos only gravitate towards whats the best play and get silohed into this thought process to not really explore other champs :<

Yeah definitely agree there's nuance to it, interested in people's understanding of why some champs are S vs. B tier and what y'all think we should do about that through some examples.

Looking at Amumu vs. Bel'veth on u.gg 14.17 all ranks, he's S+ tier and she's B tier. Bel'Veth is verifiably the harder champion to learn, players lose a lot of their initial games on her, while first few-game Amumu players are much more successful. They start to equalize in performance once players are around mastery level 11, and earlier in Emerald+ levels (~ mastery level 6 the BV players start to win more games than comparably skilled Amumu players). So basically, if you want to become a Bel'veth main and put time into mastering her, your investment should pay off there.

5 months ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Thorned_Beauty666

Well at this point what type of data for examples would you guys deem appropriate to use to try and fix these skewed perceptions or try to address the bell curve? I unfortunately main support so can't speak for Junglers. But thank you for the response!

We're trying to manage reality + perception across a lot of champions across different skill brackets and we're not going to get it right every time, I'm always interested in real gameplay stories or examples since we'd rather optimize for the experience of playing the game vs. looking at a tier list or winrates on the internet.