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over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by graluox

Next please readd the pipe | so we can search for multiple champions

is that actually something you would do?

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by crazycalvin22

This! So simple yet so f**king annoying. Glad they finally fixed it.

what else is like this?

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by domyno12345

I don't think its worth adding that. Only programmers and little crowd of people understand that

as written i agree. trying to understand why they want to search for multiple champions.

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by graluox

yeah, with the old client where that was possible i sometimes wrote down the few champions i considered playing while i was waiting for my turn to pick.
I guess there would be better ways to do this (like creating custom filters similar to what we have with the roles), but just adding the simple filter with the pipe would probably be a very quick QoL change

do you use the "favorite champions" buttons?

EDIT - Ok my takeaways here are:

  • Sort by favorite should be default. Sorting by name is the fallback anyway, so if you have no favorites the behavior is unchanged.
  • Your "sort by" preference should persist, not reset to sort by name.
  • Want to be able to designate favorites outside of champion select.
  • Favoriting as functionality should probably be more visible somehow.

First two bullet points are probably fairly easy, other two might take a bit more work. We're still wrapping up the loadout recommender/anonymity/pick order swapping so this stuff will probably won't come for a bit.

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

What’s the extent of the words that fall under that category?

/u/auberaun any chance you can help out?

I feel banter is quite important in a competitive game.

Dunno, intent is not to stop banter, but if you're not being an incredible jerk to the other players in your game I can't imagine you'd run into it.

over 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

NEW To the Moon: Blitzcrank now has a chance to uppercut monsters to the moon when overkilling them

I saw some post about this probably being a bug but us claiming its a feature. Just to clarify, this is 100% an intended feature by the designer.

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by gazow

how about the ability to remember role selection for ranked

this is planned

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotTony - Direct link

Originally posted by fbgrimfate

For over 4 months now there has been an FPS bug where people lose a lot of fps anywhere between the 5-10 minute mark. The only fix is to reconnect and gain some FPS back (still not as to how it was pre-12.11) or to go into bios to disable some settings (I read that this also doesnt 100% fix it). STILL NO FIX FOR THIS BUG IN THE PATCH NOTES

It has been reported in every patch bug megathread since the one from June 18th:








and a Rioter saying this bug is on their radar 1 month later. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/w91xqk/patch_1214_bug_megathread/ihvudvv/

Since then radio silence. People have been submitting bug reports, contacting Riot Support, and a Rioter saying "they'll pass this on to the right people". I think the advice was "upgrade drivers" but this does not fix it.

Really crazy that a bug like this can last for so long when it gets both acknowledged and is clearly impacting a fair amount of players. Can't even create a thread to create noise on it because mods remove breads on the issue. I have literally been reconnecting in my last 200 games half-way.

12.19: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xw7awa/patch_1219_bug_megathread/ir7ntpi/



A fix I used provided by /u/bestcommenteverzzz the last time I posted this:

  • Download and install Process Lasso from https://bitsum.com/
  • Start a practice tool game and in process lasso, find "LeagueofLegends.exe" under active processes.
  • Right click -> CPU Affinity -> Always -> Disable SMT

You still leak fps hard but you stay above 144fps at least.

I've just started a thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/y8nnm2/league_fps_midgame_slowdown_call_for_details/) to gather more information on this. Please check it out and leave your information there so we can finally figure this out.