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I am not saying that Aatrox should be buffed. But rather tune Ornn's waveclear down.

Q > W and the wave is gone. Now he roams or wards for free, and get lane prio uncontested.

Garens waveclear got tuned down. It was very overwhelming. Lux is blocked from doing full waveclears up until she got lots of AP, so she cant sit from 3 miles away and get prio.

CaptainFlowers said it best on a LCS Broadcast a couple of weeks back. Commenting on Ornns role in the game. This champ does everything better than specialized champions.

The worst part when playing against this motherfker, is that even if you put your c*ck 12 inches down his throat in lane, hes just gonna give away like 7k worth of items for free. Meaning all work you done in order to win lane and be more effective or have agency, POOF gone.

I dont understand the thinking behind this. There is 0 downsides to playing Ornn it seems like.

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over 4 years ago - /u/VegeterianOsu - Direct link

Originally posted by Meowlin96

sounds like someone lost against ornn playing as aatrox and is mad

I was playing Renekton vs Ornn, I was 2 levels up and 3/0 to 0/3 Ornn, i lost 1v1 battle with me having ignite and him having tp...

Anyone who has played Top lane knows the frustrations of fighting that abomination