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I remember the first and older reworks completely transforming the champions, making them totally diferent champions, like galio, swain or akali, for example.

But in the newest reworks they are making the champions the most similar as possible as they used to be. Just look at mundo for example.

Is this something they want to keep doing so champions don't loose their "essence"?

I have to say, personally, sometimes this is good but sometimes is also bad. For me, for a champion like mundo for example that has nothing interesting and unique in his kit, he could have been something totally diferent and unique.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

It really depends on the Champion. Our goal with reworks is not the change the champion simply for the sake of change. Some champions have deeper kit issues so bigger things need to be changed, and that means the other abilities likely need to be changed as well to be in harmony with the bigger changes. Recent Champions we have done VGUs on haven't had as big core issues in the kit, so we haven't had to change as much. Like whenever we get around to Skarner that will probably have to be as big as some older champs like Galio, Sion, Urgot, Etc.