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So I’ve been playing Vi jungle for some time, but I’m wanting to diversify my champ pool.

I want a jungle who can do decent dmg but not an ap jungler as I hear they suffer a bit with clear speed, I also don’t want a champ who will take me a year to actually be good with (Lee sin comes to mind) what would you all recommend?

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about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

As a fellow Vi main, I’ve been really enjoying Ekko and Zac jungle. Zac has healthy clear, great ganks, scales well, and ultimately carries by way of being super disruptive. Ekko is fun as a more assassin-y jungles with a nutty ultimate and great clear. W takes some time to get down but it’s an awesome tool once you nail it.

about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Spence199876

I may pick up zac as a backup for clash and such, but I’m only low Elo so tanks aren’t great for solo carrying XD Gonna give ekko a good go though thanks :)

Good luck! Jungle is a little rough upfront but it’s a fun role.

about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Spence199876

Been having fun when my teammates are paying attention and not asking me to be everywhere XD

Don’t worry, you can always mute them. :)