The photo says it all. I hate Shieldbow. Everyone can build it, beefy toplaners that can heal and be unkillable like Flora/Irelia, bursty midlaners like Yone who already has a shield, junglers like Yi/Graves, etc. I really hate this item, it counters pretty much every champion that relies on burst such as assassins and some mages.
Only a few champions have access to Serpent's Fang to counter it and let's not even talk about how mages have 0 options to counter shields. I don't know if the item is overtuned or broken, I'm not saying it is, but I wish there were some AP item that could break shields like Serpent's does. Like, everybody can build anti heal, but shield breaking is very niche.
Edit: I wasn't even playing Mordekaiser in the game. But I thought about how a shield-breaking AP item could be very cool in the game to counter Shieldbown, Lulu's shields, etc. Because when your team doesn't have access to Serpent's, well, it's painful.
Poor quality photograph of a wonderful game where the enemy team was building this cursed item
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