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Among the fifty thousand things coming out alongside the Soul Fighter event, the metagame seemed like the most downplayed of them all to me. Honestly when I saw it I wasn't expecting much and thought it'd be pretty bare bones as a minigame. (ngl I thought it'd be turn based)

But no, it's honestly pretty great.

Outside of the very nice looking art and animations, the gameplay is actually a lotta fun. It starts out pretty simple, but it ramps up in difficulty fast (Pyke is a bastard). You gotta really start considering stuff like timing abilities right to maximize your damage output or using them to interrupt enemies. It's a lot more complexity than I was expecting out of it.

The little side dialogue at the fan fair is great. The swole Yordle however is gonna give me nightmares.

The only criticism I have is that the build options aren't super interesting or flexible, at least in the first few fights. The opening fights are designed around you using one specific ability to counter their strategy, so you kinda have to take it.

Other than that however, i'm genuinely impressed by the mode. Honestly at this point Riot should consider making a fighting game /s

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10 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by FrigidFlames

It's pretty fun and I'm enjoying it but also 95% of the time I'm just spamming W-Q-E-Q against literally everyone lol

There's some strategy as to what abilities to build, but the only one I've really had issue with was Jhin, and that's just because I'm real bad at his timing and kept missing the counters

Sounds like you're going to have a good time with Expert mode (unlocked after you defeat the final boss of Story mode).

10 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by SamiraSimp

the mode itself is pretty short *(there is an expert mode after the story mode idk if that has rewards). but to unlock some of the later fights you'll need reputation which you get by finishing normal league missions (time spent playing and winning, etc.)

from what i can tell there's 10 fights and each fight is over in a minute, even if you take 2-3 tries per fight you can do the whole thing in half an hour if you're good. the first fights are also pretty easy anyways.

the league missions giving reputation last for 5 weeks, so even if you're gone for 3 weeks you should still have ample time to get enough rep to play through the whole mode

After Story mode is done you'll have Expert mode to try.

10 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by IcePokeTwoSoon

Genuine question; is all this discussion and guides and complex strategy and theory crafting about this in client mode considered a GOOD sign because of the engagement, particularly from casuals (I’m enjoying the heck out of this mode, and I’m usually terrible at any remote breed of fighter)

Or is it considered bad because people are breaking the mode down in such a way that others can fly through it?

We love the discussions and theory crafting! The hardest part was knowing how much depth was too much for a metagame and how much was too little. We hope we got it right. We'll see as more people reach Expert mode.

10 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Mathmagician94

my pc got 16 gb of ram and when i tried to start that mode, client needed 12gb of it and damn yet it still feel like a powerpoint lol

This was a weird post--patching bug. Apparently restarting the client after patching will fix this. It's more like 1.5GB of RAM normally.

10 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Mathmagician94

will try this out now, gonna update on this, hopefully it works

edit: i tried loading the part after winning the first fight against jhin, whatever is supposed to be happening, client is just steadily using more and more ram while loading

edit 2: now it works and when not stuck on loading client is just using 1GB of ram

maybe some issue, where if the client somehow gets stuck in the loading screen the ram-usage keeps increasing

On the tab called simply Soul Fighter in the client, try disabling the video from playing (it's Samira pointing her guns). There's a disable toggle button at the top right of that screen. We're investigating if that screen is eating up resources while the video has motion enabled.