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With Soraka's new dummy thicc health bar, she will be nigh-unkillable, as well as synergizing pretty alright with anything relating to HP. This means she will surely build Titanic Hydra and Demonic Embrace, getting her an insane amount of AD and AP (more on this later). To defeat this hooved Raid girl-Boss, you'll first need to understand what her runes, build, and playstyle will be.


  • Bami's Cinder: As soon as Soraka gets 1100 gold, this will be her first buy. It deals 12 (+1% bonus health) damage per second, and since Soraka's newly found HP likely came from the souls of all who dared oppose her in the past, we'll count her 6.5 billion HP as bonus HP. This means Bami's will deal 65 million damage per second, just enough to kill a fully built Ornn in about 2 hits.

  • Titanic Hydra: This will be Soraka's first full item as it will give her 130 million AD. This will let her one shot enemies just by right clicking them; Perfect for the average support player.

  • Demonic Embrace: Following Titanic, Soraka will build Demonic Embrace next. This will give her 130 million AP (slightly more than the enemy team's Veigar at 30 minutes), letting her one shot enemies with her instant cast E and fully heal her loyal worshippers with her W and R.

  • Turbo Chemtank: Since Soraka has now achieved power rivaling the gods and transcended this mortal coil, she has no further need for damage stats. Chemtank instead allows her to apply her unholy power in a circular AoE around an enemy that she autoattacks, which is far superior to the cone AoE of Titanic Hydra. The item also gives her some resists and haste, which are kinda neato.

  • Frozen Heart: This item fits Soraka's new theme as the Destroyer of Worlds, so it will likely be her next item. The 80 armor and 20% attack speed slow will help her negate the damage from dirty Blade of the Ruined King abusers.

  • Force of Nature: Another item befitting the new Soraka, as she has become somewhat of a force of nature herself. The magic resist and magic damage reduction help her survive things like Liandry's and Demonic Embrace DoT damage, as well as giving her a large amount of movement speed to hunt down and kill the enemy gold sacks champions.

  • Warmog's Armor: In case those puny mortals ever put a scratch on Soraka's American sized healthbar, this will let her heal back up without shamefully recalling to her base like the beta support player she once was.

  • Other Options: Gargoyle Stoneplate's active and passive are both useful for surviving the gangbang that the enemy team will try to force on you. Rapid Firecannon can be helpful if you've put the fear of god in your enemies and they (understandably) keep running from you. Runaan's Hurricane is nice if you're new to support and your right clicks aren't very accurate. Luden's Tempest lets you bm by oneshotting enemies with tiny, purple, undodgeable lightning bolts from hell.


  • First Strike: This lets Soraka break Runeterra's economy as soon as she gets Bami's Cinder and uses it while First Strike is active. You might be tempted to take Grasp of the Undying for some early kills, but it won't be necessary and will also quickly become irrelevant once you get Titanic.

  • Demolish: This rune scales with 35% max HP, meaning Soraka will deal 2.3 billion damage to a turret (before resists). This will instantly vaporize the turret, as well as causing all other turrets on the enemy team to gain sentience, learn the true meaning of fear, and run home to their mommy (the fountain), who will be unable to protect them from your wrath. The first turret killed will net you 1250 gold (enough for Bami's) as long as your worshippers don't take any of it for themselves.

  • Second Wind: Since the game won't last long enough for Conditioning to activate, this is your next best option. It ain't much but it's an honest amount of healing.


Once the game starts, Soraka will immediately run mid in order to Thanos snap a turret out of existence and get enough gold for Bami's pocket nuke. She will then ignore the Geneva Convention and attempt to run into an enemy and use this nuke while her First Strike is available, thus allowing her to metaphorically pick up Riot Games™ and shake them down for their lunchmoney (approximately 4.5 million gold).

At this point she will recall and purchase a full build, becoming an Apollyon class SCP capable of ending the game by walking down a lane and right clicking towers (similar to Tryndamere, but with less screaming). Any creatures in her way will be melted with the power of Sunfire, cleaved in half by the might of Titanic Hydra, or skilled on by an E press. She will end the game within approximately 2 minutes, as long as she doesn't get distracted trying to ward the enemy red buff.

Soraka's "teammates" (worshippers) will likely consist of: Blitzcrank, to pull in an enemy for Soraka to plunder with First Strike + Bami's Cinder. Yuumi, who will be able to contain 20% of Soraka's godly power without violently imploding, allowing her to one shot all enemies with her Q. Taric / Seraphine, who have some of the only shield / heal abilities capable of satisfying Lady Rakatrescu's needs. The rest of the team will be whoever can best catch flies for Soraka to swat, like Anivia with her wall or Morgana with her Q.


Percent health damage and First Strike are the way to go. You might be tempted to use champs like Fiora or Vayne for their percent health true damage, but they will not be able to slay the giant on their own. Vayne will need many autos to kill Soraka, while Soraka will only need one to kill her, and Fiora will die to a single tick of Sunfire.

What you need is long range percent health damage, like Brand or Varus (although Varus will need to hit 6 to safely apply his W stacks, and the game may not last that long). Urgot is also essential since he will basically remove 25% of Soraka's healthbar if he times his ult correctly. Illaoi is also very useful, as she can rip out Soraka's soul and let her team safely attack it for free damage. Taric, Kayle, and Tryndamere can all survive for a few seconds, letting them weaken Soraka with BotRK, Liandry's, Demonic Embrace, etc.

Alternatively, your whole team can play ADCs and Soraka's support programming will render her unable to harm you, instead choosing to hide behind the nearest low health ally. This will allow you to win the game easily, as it will be a 4v5 where you can quickly get a full build by tapping Soraka's juicy purple ass with First Strike. Enjoy the free win until Riot decides to give Soraka a REAL buff.

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about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by MrTankerson

Unironically still loses to fiora with a kayle ult, so probably need to buff it a bit more.

% HP damage looking pretty nuts here

about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooSquirrels9389

Are you riot employee games employee? Are you do make the game can you make the game?

Yes I am a Riot Games employee! I do indeed help make the game :D

about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

He helps make the game,

He sustains the game,

He nurtures the game,

And he plays the game.

Maybe he even has fun doing that.

I should rename my account to u/BadMorningPoetry.

Such a way with words