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I mean, this is just how it is supposed to be.

He is dead, he should be in the death realm just chilling, waiting to be brought back.

Bonus: if Mordekaiser is in the game, every champ who dies is brought to the Death Realm. They don't do damage or anything else. You know, just vibing in the death realm.

Make this an Ultimate skin if you need.

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about 5 years ago - /u/EndlessPillows - Direct link

Originally posted by C3ntra

“Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser didn’t have any special interactions with Kindred.”

Seriously, its the death realm. Mordekaiser and Wolf should be homies by now.

I actually have Kindred trigger their ban line ("You overstep!") when they are pulled into the death realm by Mordekaiser, but I really wish we could have got something more :(