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Always a fun question to answer.

Let's not be blinded by recent history.

Bjergsen was amazing, even by more than NA standards, for a number of years.

I think the following would have happened:

  • Bjergsen would have played on a top team in EU by 2015 at the very latest.

  • My personal theory: Bjergsen joins 2015 Fnatic instead of Febiven

At that time, FNC was the org to join in EU. This was before EU. It's also possible that Rekkles doesn't leave for Elements if Bjerg joins FNC.

Here I think he could be a generational player for the FNC brand alongside Rekkles.

I think:

  • Bjergsen would have won a ton of EU titles.

  • Bjergsen would have done way better in international events.

  • Bjergsen would have made a lot less money (lol).

I also think Bjergsen would have fallen off earlier simply because the competition for specifically mid lane is a lot higher in EU. In NA, he had the big advantage of being a grandfathered import so he was competing with NA natives and not other imports for his spot.

That's my theory. What's yours?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

He would have made a great co caster of mine 😁😁😜