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Zeri, Yuumi are receiving significant nerfs in 13.12. We're not happy with their state in Pro and intend a meta shift away from enchanters (+Milio nerfs)

Both champs benefited from 13.10, 11

Zeri is too strong & tanky on Tri Force spike + Yuumi has strong synergy with Helias


Item changes have made both champs overtuned individually, which makes them especially overwhelming together

We're optimistic about their future and mechanics, BUT think sub 50% WR is a better spot for them to sit long term & are open to more drastic changes if that doesn't work


Above are the tweets and links to said tweets.

So it seems like they are receiving big nerfs (as we see also in patch notes).

It looks like Zeri and Yuumi are planned to now be much worse for solo queue so they don't become too good in pro play.

Personally, this seems to indicate to me that the Yuumi changes were not successful at all. Wasn't the entire point to have her be playable for casuals without being too strong in pro?

Riot is now straight up saying that they are open to more drastic changes in the future. He says just after Yuumi already received a full rework once. Lol.

I honestly don't know what will happen with these champions anymore. I think it's time for Riot to have a long hard thinking session about how they design their new characters.

What do you think?

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11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

"Personally, this seems to indicate to me that the Yuumi changes were not successful at all. Wasn't the entire point to have her be playable for casuals without being too strong in pro?"

It's worth clarifying that Yuumi had a 45% solo queue win rate and like 80% presence at Worlds last year. Getting both of those to move in the correct direction is a success. She's currently 50% win rate in solo queue and trending toward ~85% presence in pro.

So if she winds up 47% and 2%, that's a marked improvement from 12.18. A partial success is better than nothing at all.

11 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Hopping in here is a bit risky, but here goes...

We agree Yuumi can be a frustrating champion and we're not trying to say otherwise. We're going to continue to balance her out of Pro and Elite play.

Having said that, the main point I wanted to make a clarification about is that the 1-30 experience is different from the average player (~mid silver) experience.

Despite being sub50 for average players on paper, if you account for her steep mastery curve, she sports very reasonable performance metrics. A lot of this is due to how different she is to other champions for a player who's played thousands of hours of league, so she has quite a different playstyle (similar to singed in that respect) and tanks a lot of winrate on games 1-5.

Having a steep mastery curve for the average player doesn't mean that's the case for a completely new player though. The reason why we tried to design around the attach is because she is far and away the best champ to play with a completely new friend to learn the very basics of the game, like how to kill people, use your abilities, win the game, etc. (1-10 especially, but 10-30 also). After that, people can choose to stick with her or play a more traditional champion. She has a 5% higher winrate than the number 2 champion, while being in the top 5 pick rate for this player bracket, despite her previously expensive cost (6300).

It may turn out that she can't even live sub50 without causing problems, in which case, we have some tough decisions to make. But that's our hope at least.

At a minimum we're going to listen and make whatever changes we think are necessary to get her into a good state, but thought this piece of info would be useful for the discussion.

11 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by justice_for_lachesis

the best champ to play with a completely new friend to learn the very basics of the game, like how to kill people, use your abilities, win the game, etc. (1-10 especially, but 10-30 also). After that, people can choose to stick with her or play a more traditional champion. She has a 5% higher winrate than the number 2 champion, while being in the top 5 pick rate for this player bracket,

How do you know these stats are not contaminated by bot accounts that prefer yuumi?

We did a pretty exhaustive analysis of it.

Separation of smurfs, bot accounts, separated games played with friends vs without, etc.

The only places in 1-30 where Yuumi didn't perform the best was when smurfs "new players were actually smurfs". She didn't perform that poorly in those though, because usually it was double smurfs playing with each other :shrug