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4 champions without any announcement, aside from Pantheon, have been given minor rework overhauls within the period of time that Tahm's was announced, and we were last told to expect information on 10.24 - 10.25. I know the patch isn't over yet, but it is disheartening that after so much time, we have as little information as we did 5 months ago, while other champions are getting reworked on the dime.

This champion has been marred by a toxic kit and playstyle forever, with his playrate dropping to the lowest it has ever been, as well as his winrate. A forced proplay menace, and barely notable in any elo outside of it. I think many TK mains have been very patient in awaiting some form of change that isn't chain nerfs for many years, practically since his release. Are we getting something to revive our dead champ, or are we destined to follow the tragic fate of Aurelion Sol and WuKong?

Is the Tahm Kench rework coming to LoL in 2020? Or has it been pushed back for the 3rd time because of other things that came after it was announced?

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

So the TK rework is coming once preseason is (more) settled and we have time to finish up the work and allocate the resources. Really would prefer to have it out before pro starts again, but I sadly can't just slap a timeline here.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Whismy

Great to hear that it's still chugging along! I wonder if we're going to be surprised by any non-discussed changes, or if it's looking essentially the same as what was previously discussed?

Probably pretty similar. There's always the chance for some thicc changes

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hello, I have a preseason related big issue that so far no Rioter has been willing to communicate with us on directly. Could you help answering it, please?

What's the issue?

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Quoting the entire comment I made in Urgot Mains:

Muramana was bugged there but fixed in 10.24, other things to note is Shyvana Q works perfectly with Ravenous hydra (I used Black Cleaver with hydra to test the proc damage to outer targets).

Pantheon W by using black cleaver as measuring noticed that Ravenous hydra applies damage only twice, while Tiamat and Titanic deal 3.

Aphelios Severum Q Binding Onslaught works with it too without issue even tho it is like Urgot W. His Resurgent Sentry ability with mini turrets also work just fine with it.

Lucian passive, Master Yi 4th hit, Warwick ult, Renekton empowered W also do not proc Ravenous hydra properly, but they work well with Muramana on dummy testing. (And also work on Tiamat and Titanic just fine), it is especially jarring on WW ult because it used to be perfectly fine with all kind of Tiamats. Miss Fortune Q also works weirdly with Ravenous hydra.

Katarina R is one thing that only procs Muramana once on fully stacked tear despite meant to be applying AOEs, while she also suffers from the Ravenous hydra issues it might make her way too op (she can use Tiamat and Titanic normally).

Final note: Tear does not grant any stack for using Purge before Urgot W is maxed, even though it has mana cost, it should work on first W attack until W has 5 point if possible, like how it worked before pre-season.

Tl dr: What started off as issue with Urgot W mode with Ravenous Hydra got to us finding things like Aphelios Severum Q (which is by logic like Urgot's W) working perfectly on Ravenous, but spells like WW ult, Urgot W, Renekton fury W do not work properly despite it should

https://www.reddit.com/r/UrgotMains/comments/jzsn29/lets_all_help_together_to_report_this_urgot_bug/ Here is the thread for reference.

Thank you for reading this post of mine, happy Thanksgiving! <3

Edit: Also this might be an issue https://www.reddit.com/r/UrgotMains/comments/k15f21/stridebreaker_seems_bugged_dont_buy_it/

I'll pass this along so we can make sure there are eyes on it, thanks!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

The definite proof that this seems to be a bug for Urgot W is because it is almost like Aphelios Severum's Q which works perfectly on Ravenous Hydra.

Can you tell us if its gonna be considered for a fix? We are dying for an official statement.


I cant give ya a timeframe or even say which is the intended functionality but I'll make sure its in our database and someone looks at it