I love to play the game, even though I hate the game with all my heart. I hate everything Summoner's Rift stands for, but I love to play ARAM. This is because ARAM is fast paced, skill based combat, and doesn't have all this macro BS, that I hate about SR.
Problem is.... I cannot choose my champion.
Why is this a problem? Well because I love certain champions, and I hate others. I play this game to have fun, and having to play yuumi, Sejuani, or Rammus is just boring for me. I'd love to see nexus blitz become a permanent gamemode because it offers everything ARAM does, but enables picking your champion.
I have 6k RP sitting on my account, and I'd love to use them on skins, but I cannot since I wont buy a skin for a champion, that I rarely get to play in ARAM.