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Tl;dr I believe riots chat review AI is badly designed and punishes natural reactions to trolls and flamers but doesnt actually punish trolls and flamers unless they use a tagged word. context needs to be a thing. Racism sexism obviously shouldnt be OK

That word originally ment someone who politically had no voice and refused to partake in the discussions of the world now its used as an insult towards someones intelligence...

But if someone is griefing and flaming i dont see how that word could possible be inappropriate.... and since ur bots just throw these restrictions around maybe u should update them so that one person using a word THAT U USE cause idiot and fool is literally the same thing except fool could be considered slur and therefore derogative of minority culture and a a throwback to medieval entertainment which actually makes it sillier, and its not the same game ofc but Jetta in valorant also uses the word frequently...

reminds me of the chat restrictions i got back when u first launched this system, and i kept calling people who flamed noobs.. cause if u flame in a ranked match u obviously arent trying to win which makes u a noob since u obviously dont understand the point of playing ranked.... It is not an insult it is a fact and not only that but u agree with me that flaming has no place in a ranked match.

So now for calling someone who flamed an idiot i got reported, and i didnt report them so i dont think they got punished at all.

I never report unless someone says something truly horrific. As the loading screen tip says, "games can get heated..." it continues "but racial slurs got no place in league" and that is how it should be. sexism racism and all the other horrible stuff have no place. BUT AN IDIOT ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT NEED TO KNOW. and it seems easy af to just make the ai differentiate between a response and an accusation... cause i responded to a guy telling me to kill myself. over his mistake. just such a bizzaro f*ckin community... Speaking like a normal person gets u punished but leaving games trolling games hasnt gotten a ban in years... See it every day i play. And as long as they dont accidently call someone an idiot they are fine.

Seriously riot. U need to change ur chatreview AI cause league has gotten a little bit worse every year since u did the change. People arent able to react to things people do that actually is ruining the game. Which used to be the main repellent. Much like in real life. When people misbehave we naturally tend to insult. I can go around calling people grassleafmonkeypaw and it is just funny, what if im actually mad at someone. calling a toxic-troll-flamer an idiot? after losing 4 games in a row due to botlanes flaming eachother and then going afk and now im gonna get demoted? Im not entitled to calling that guy an idiot? even as a reply to him saying i should kill myself cause i just told him to relax and that we can still win? Yeah no that makes sense. HE AND I GOT THE SAME PUNISHMENT FOR THAT GAME FFS

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Calling people idiots isn't cool man. Take an opportunity to cool off.