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After watching international tournaments for years I just wanted to show some appreciation for this years meta. Personally it feels like there are a lot of options for what you can play and is generally a very healthy meta especially in comparison to years past (Ardent meta etc). Obviously there are still some issues such as Pantheon with 100% ban rate just like Kalista was in 2017 but overall things don't seem nearly as stale as past years.


Here is a breakdown of how many champions of been played in each roll sorted by their frequency:


Top (24) Jungle (15) Mid (29) Bottom (20) Support (20)
Gangplank Lee Sin Ryze Kai'Sa Nautilus
Renekton Gragas Akali Xayah Rakan
Vladimir Elise Kayle Ezreal Leona
Akali Rek'Sai Orianna Garen Thresh
Jayce Jarvan IV Syndra Yasuo Yuumi
Aatrox Qiyana LeBlanc Heimerdinger Alistar
Gnar Olaf Cassiopeia Syndra Galio
Kayle Nocturne Tristana Lucian Blitzcrank
Sion Taliyah Qiyana Vayne Pyke
Ornn Ekko Camille Jinx Gragas
Cho'Gath Karthus Yasuo Tristana Shen
Shen Kha'Zix Jayce Veigar Morgana
Mordekaiser Sejuani Zoe Irelia Tahm Kench
Ryze Skarner Azir Kayle Fiddlesticks
Fiora Sylas Galio Varus Karma
Rumble Irelia Caitlyn Ornn
Camille Kled Cassiopeia Poppy
Jax Lucian Morgana Bard
Urgot Corki Sona Lulu
Ezreal Ezreal Zoe Volibear
Kennen Malphite
Kled Renekton
Qiyana Twisted Fate
Tristana Veigar


Qiyana, Kayle, Tristana, and Ezreal, have all been played in at least 3 lanes. Personally the flexible nature of the current state of league makes watching a lot more exciting for me. What do you think?

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about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by EcoleBuissonniere

Due to the nature of League and how it's designed, we probably won't ever see a situation in which all or nearly all champions are picked in one tournament. Heroes aren't niche enough, counterpicks aren't important enough, etc. We're probably never going to see a situation like in Dota 2.

And yet despite that, 81 out of 145 champions - more than half the roster - were picked over the course of a week. That's honestly really impressive.

This game is much, much more well balanced than people give it credit for. There are always balance issues, but nearly all games have balance issues, and League mitigates them much better than most.

hey thanks

about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by MemoryStay

Some champs never appear picked in these competitives(for a very long time)though, any goal to make them appear? For the worlds ofc.

Not specifically. It would be awesome to live in a world where every champion was pro-viable without being grossly imbalanced in solo queue. A lot of champs are pretty far off from that, though, and we usually have more pressing problems.