After watching international tournaments for years I just wanted to show some appreciation for this years meta. Personally it feels like there are a lot of options for what you can play and is generally a very healthy meta especially in comparison to years past (Ardent meta etc). Obviously there are still some issues such as Pantheon with 100% ban rate just like Kalista was in 2017 but overall things don't seem nearly as stale as past years.
Here is a breakdown of how many champions of been played in each roll sorted by their frequency:
Top (24) | Jungle (15) | Mid (29) | Bottom (20) | Support (20) |
Gangplank | Lee Sin | Ryze | Kai'Sa | Nautilus |
Renekton | Gragas | Akali | Xayah | Rakan |
Vladimir | Elise | Kayle | Ezreal | Leona |
Akali | Rek'Sai | Orianna | Garen | Thresh |
Jayce | Jarvan IV | Syndra | Yasuo | Yuumi |
Aatrox | Qiyana | LeBlanc | Heimerdinger | Alistar |
Gnar | Olaf | Cassiopeia | Syndra | Galio |
Kayle | Nocturne | Tristana | Lucian | Blitzcrank |
Sion | Taliyah | Qiyana | Vayne | Pyke |
Ornn | Ekko | Camille | Jinx | Gragas |
Cho'Gath | Karthus | Yasuo | Tristana | Shen |
Shen | Kha'Zix | Jayce | Veigar | Morgana |
Mordekaiser | Sejuani | Zoe | Irelia | Tahm Kench |
Ryze | Skarner | Azir | Kayle | Fiddlesticks |
Fiora | Sylas | Galio | Varus | Karma |
Rumble | Irelia | Caitlyn | Ornn | |
Camille | Kled | Cassiopeia | Poppy | |
Jax | Lucian | Morgana | Bard | |
Urgot | Corki | Sona | Lulu | |
Ezreal | Ezreal | Zoe | Volibear | |
Kennen | Malphite | |||
Kled | Renekton | |||
Qiyana | Twisted Fate | |||
Tristana | Veigar | |||
Anivia | ||||
Lissandra | ||||
Sion | ||||
Viktor | ||||
Zilean |
Qiyana, Kayle, Tristana, and Ezreal, have all been played in at least 3 lanes. Personally the flexible nature of the current state of league makes watching a lot more exciting for me. What do you think?
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