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Basically the title. What champion in League of Legends, if executed to absolute perfection, mechanically, game sense, knowledge and macro wise, has the highest chance of completely sh*tstomping a lobby.

Let’s say a player loads into champion select. He has to win this game, or something bad happens… idk. What champion is that player picking to roll over that game no matter what, knowing they are the superior player in that lobby.

Basically what champion has the lowest possible risk of failure, when played to perfection?

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over 1 year ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by Conscious-Scale-587

According to lolalytics the highest onetrick WRs(who I assume are executing every champ as close to perfection as you possibly can) are lee sin, Ezreal, akali, aatrox and thresh in each of their respective roles, funnily enough the only champs where mastery doesn’t seem to matter at all and who still have a wr close to 50% or lower when onetricked are Leona Morgana and corki

Leona Morgana and corki

Ahh yes, the perfect champions