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MarkZ talked about how the other members on the Liquid roster were unhappy that they were putting in the work by playing a lot of solo queue but Doublelift played barely any at all.

They also talked about motivation and the need to always find something to push you and the fact that you can’t talk big and expect to be the best if you’re not trying.


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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Hey all, wanted to clear up any misconception before it starts - this wasn't aimed specifically at Doublelift.

I gave a take earlier on the show that Spring Split does matter & basically it's garbage that so many people are saying it doesn't when if you're a competitor you should be driven to succeed for any number of reasons, career success, achieving playoffs, Finals, MSI, etc etc etc.

This was just a follow up on that. Yes DL said publicly that he doesn't care about Spring but it's generally wide spread sentiment I've been seeing so much of on Twitter & elsewhere in the community.