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Hwei is probably one of the most revolutionary mage since the release of Azir.

  • Hwei has 9 basic abilities + 1 Passive damage + 1 R = 11 Different abilities
  • After some hotfixes and minor balance changes (courtesy of him getting released a few weeks before the removal of mythic sytem and the overhaul of itemisation) he landed on a pretty sweet spot among the mid laners
  • He is around 10% - ish pick rate or so which is extremely good for a Mage.
  • Due to the nature of his kit it feels great to play at Marksmen and Support roles along with mid lane yet he does not feel OP as the case would suggest.
  • His skill ceiling is actually high, easy to get acustomed to his kit but the decision making part is the real dealer.

I mean looking at this I wouldn't have betted on him being the most stable release of the past years.

  • Zeri was popular but rounded up Ryze easily in terms of getting more nerfs and reworks in a single year than any other champion
  • Renata is actually a great design overall but sadly she has low pickrate (2% ish at the moment)
  • Bel'Veth not as cool but similar in popularity
  • Nilah isn't played much more but as a Melee ADC she feels unique the way she palys. She is just a bit...niche?
  • K'Sante: Still getting reworks. Wonder how the latest one ended up on him.
  • Milio has 5.6% ish pick rate and feels relatve simple and straightforward.
  • Naafiri is probably a wasted slot for a mid laner Assassin...However, ironically her jungle numbers seems not to be as bad as they used to be.
  • Briar actually a lost case to me. Feels relative simple but admittedly she has au nique mechanic that needs to be learned to maximise her potential so she can be a bit challenging atfirst but rewarding. From what i can read she has been through a lot however
  • Smolder is another champion that just feels whatever to play as it feels like half a champion pre 225 stacks and really dominant after 225 + I can't tell how much impact pro play had on his popularity.
  • Aurora is too new to tell properly.

So yea. I'm might be biased but to me Hwei feel like the most well designed and tought out champion.

String, engaging, caused little balance issues so far and also he is pro viable.


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Appreciate the post a lot, he was a challenge to make.