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Before ASU - Bright Cyan-colored Q, very distinct from pink E

ASU Q & E side by side - Both spells sharing the same color

ASU Q returning - Uses original bright Cyan color when returning to Ahri

Normally, I brush off skins with arguably poor visual clarity, because the actual effect it has ingame is usually so marginal, it's only an argument in pro-play (where certain skins are banned accordingly).

This case with Ahri's ASU however is a little more egregious due to the impact it has:
Her original Orb for the KDA All Out skin used to be bright Cyan, being very visually distinct from the rest of her spells.
For some reason, however, her Q was changed to be exactly the same color as her E, until it starts its return, after which it uses the original Cyan color.
This is a problem.

Ahri's core-spell Charm is the main venue for counterplay - you dodge her Charm and she loses her burst window and teamfight pressure.
By changing her Q to be the same color, it now becomes extremely difficult to distinguish the two abilities from each other (Q & E). While the difference may be obvious in still images (Q is round and transparent, E is heart shaped and solid colored), it becomes near impossible to identify what spell she used considering how fast the projectiles travel and whatever else may be going on onscreen.
You don't have the time to analyze the spell in details.

Now imagine flashing away from a pink projectile, thinking that is her game-changing Charm (considering the color is hardwired into your average player's brain), only to realize it was just a Q...

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about 1 year ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

I'll fix this, Q1 is not supposed to turn pink towards the end.

about 1 year ago - /u/Bagel_Socks - Direct link

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We totally agree that the colors can cause confusion so we are actively working on a fix now for it!

about 1 year ago - /u/Bagel_Socks - Direct link

Originally posted by Friendly-Escape-4574

So are the socks made of bagels, or do they have bagels on them? Or is the bagel made of socks?