Hi all, for some context, my league name is Shyvaku. The last game I played I had the Blitz.gg app open and continuously crashed my game which tagged me with leaver. I wasn't aware it did, and so continued to play for 20+ minutes ended up winning the game and got tagged for leaver...
I sent a support message to riot about it and this was out convo:
"I was using the Blitz app at the time. They claim they are partnered with riot, so I expected everything to work out okay while playingย the game. However recently the game has crashed multiple times while blitz is running. I don't know if this is a coincidence or not. I understand you cannot give lp back and I'm just frustrated at your system for not detecting I was playing the game again.
What exactly is the point in helping the team win if I will just lose lp anyways? There is none, currently. Its more worth my time to not play that game and make that team suffer without a player. You seriously need to adjust that system, perhaps detect that you are playing again after 10 minutes because I literally played another 22 minutes after I rejoined..."
And this was their response:
"Hi again Shyvaku, Blitz is a third-party app that uses Riot API to gain access to League data. As far as I know, they are compliant with Riot's guidelines, but since they are a third-party we can't support or endorse the app. As for your 2nd paragraph, this discussion gets brought up a lot. Essentially, there is no incentive for players to reconnect to a match after getting marked as a Leaver (other than the desire to not leave your team hanging). Some people don't agree with this system or feel that there's room for improvement. However, this is the way it is for now. It might be changed some day, but I have no idea to be honest with you (I'm not on the team that makes those decisions). If you feel strongly about this, I encourage you to post about it on the League boards or Reddit, as that's the best way to get your voice heard by the devs."
I really want to find a way to fix the leaver system, without ignoring the reason its there to begin with. Perhaps realising players are back when they outlevel the enemy jungler?
Here is a screenshot of the end game:
Edit: here is the player support email Riot support endorses reddit https://imgur.com/gallery/R7eL3Pu
External link โ