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Here are all the changes revealed on the PBE for patch 13.10!

[Work in progress]

"There's a couple off meta build changes in today's PBE update."

"A lot of the stuff isn't fully implemented yet, but yes there are some big changes to Rageblade on PBE. It does magic damage on-hit instead of converting crit chance."

<< Champion Buffs >>

Akshan - PBE Changes

  • [P] Dirty Fighting damage now scales with 60% AP
  • [Q] Avengerang move speed now scales with 5% per 100 AP

Kalista - PBE Changes

  • [E] Rend buffs:
    • Damage now scales with 40% AP for first hit and 20% AP for subsequent spears
    • Slow now scales with 5% per 100 AP

Kindred - PBE Changes

  • [W] Wolf's Frenzy damage now scales with 20% AP
  • [E] Mounting Dread slow now scales with 5% per 100 AP

Vayne - PBE Changes

  • [W] Silver Bolts true damage now scales with 1.5% per 100 AP

<< Champion Nerfs >>

<< Item Changes >>

[NEW] Steel Sigil:

[NEW] Chalice of Blessing:

Support item component: Chalice of Blessing. Builds into Redemption, Mikael's and Echoes of Helia


[NEW] Lifewell Pendant:

Support item component: LIfewell Pendant. Builds into Zeke's, Knight's Vow, Locket and Evenshroud


[NEW] Petricite Bulwark:

[NEW] Echoes of Helia:


Youmuu's Ghostblade:


[Reworked] Duskblade of Draktharr:


Prowler's Claw:


Mythic Guinsoo's Rageblade:


Mythic Infinity Edge:


Mythic Navori Quickblades:


Statikk Shiv is back:


Legendary Immortal Shieldbow:




Legendary Kraken Slayer:


Rapid Firecannon changes:


Stormrazor changes:


Lord Dominik's Regard changes:


Legendary Imperial Mandate:


Force of Nature change:

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Moonstone Renewer change:

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Radiant Virtue changes:

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Sterak's Gage changes:

Fighter items buffs:

  • Goredrinker gets higher mythic HP
  • Striderbreaker more AD
  • Hullbreaker gets more AD and MS

Trinity Force changes:

<< System Changes >>

Fountain Changes

  • Mana regen increased from 2.1% max mana to 3.1%
  • Unleashed Teleport timer reduced from 14:00 to 10:00
  • Homeguard timer reduced from 20:00 to 14:00
External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by daebakminnie

These are way too small to turn them into hybrids or alter their playstyles like ap Twitch. It really just boils down to making ap from ragablade not completely wasted

Reddit users doing math before outrage posting challenge level impossible

almost 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

I'm here for overreactions and hot takes.

almost 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by Proxnite

GalaxySmash promised me smart targeting on Noct’s E so I stop fearing minions randomly when someone’s standing in a wave like 8 patches ago, can you please walk across the office and mildly inconvenience him for me?

I just yelled at him for you. Which means I'll probably get a bug ticket from him.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by DogAteMyCPU

ty for shaking up the adc meta. should be easier to kill the adcs since there should be less shieldbow and no more bt shield

That’s the intent.

almost 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by kidexz

Nerfing force of nature is a mistake and we will just go back to tanks having nothing good to build vs magic damage.

We want there to be an outlet to heavy magic dealers (Cassio/Azir/Ryze) that have low downtime. So if FoN doesn't meet that we should tune it up.

But 1 item shouldn't this sharply counter normal burst AP, since softer MR purchase (Merc's) + tank HP stacking is already a good counter to cooldown-based mages.

almost 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Proxnite

GalaxySmash promised me smart targeting on Noct’s E so I stop fearing minions randomly when someone’s standing in a wave like 8 patches ago, can you please walk across the office and mildly inconvenience him for me?

You made him yell at me :(