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Came up in a discussion about frustrating abilities. This thing just eats projectiles - and with its generous visuals, it can eat some at questionable angles,not like LoL hitboxes work on every champ besides Yasuo. Comes out and starts blocking instantly. Compared to Braum, whose shield blocks one attack, and then intercepts (and reduces the damage of) the next ones to Braum.

If the windwall would just uninstall the game for the Yasuo player , it would feel like there's a bit of counterplay to it instead of just waiting it out, trying to get around it (moving is hard), or be forced to not spam spells randomly (since mana most doesn´t exist btw) ,because it hasn't been used.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Have you applied for a design position? I mean, this is some quality design right here.